Chapter 9

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Knowing that everyone around Jennie is telling her that I'm not worth it, and all. Everyone around her is poisoning her mind and feeding her bad things about me.

It's hard to fight when everyone around her doesn't like me for her, and they are constantly pushing her to be with someone else. Worse is in front of me.

Maybe that's the reason why she had a sudden change of heart.

There is one time that Jennie's friend set her up on a date with her friends on Valentine's day. Jennie told me that no one would go with them, and it is only their group date. 

I asked her not to go because I can feel something terrible, and It is valentines day, she is supposed to be with me, but she chose her friends, and guess what, they have their own dates, and I feel so shit when I saw their photos posted on Instagrams. Jennie apologized to me and told me that there's nothing happened and they only ate.

That is all when I can feel that everything is falling apart.

Today is the release of Jennie from the hospital, and now I'm regretting that I asked her to live with me in her Condo because I know that I'm hurting my fiancé.

Bae Joohyun is the only person that I have after Jennie threw me like garbage. She is Jennie's friend who lives in another city, and I never knew her before because Jennie never tells me that she has another friend in another city. 

Hyun loved me during my ups and downs; I did many horrible things for her to give up on me, but she never did. She also introduced me to Jisoo who is Jennie's cousin, and Lisa.

Hyun also assures me that what I'm doing is to help Jennie's health, and I'm not cheating; she understands the situation, and It hurts me that Hyun agreed to this. Yeah, I like this too, because Jennie is my best friend; I just can't be angry at her.

Jennie's condo lock is changed because she can't remember the code. I'm worried that they have a lot of stuff about her real girlfriend inside her condo, but maybe not because she hid her. I told Jennie that I would only stay for a month because Aunt Faye needs me.

We are walking to Jennie's condo with Mrs. Kim when we bump into Jisoo, and I almost forgot that she lives in the penthouse. I rolled my eyes when I saw her smirk like she was doing it on purpose.

"Kim Jisoo!" Mrs. Kim widens her eyes. "I'm sorry for bumping you," she said like she is ready to lick Jisoo's shoes.

"It's okay, Auntie Claire," Jisoo said, showing her wide smile. Disgusting.

"I'm glad you still remember me; it's so hard to get in contact with you when In fact, we are family," Mrs. Kim said

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Kim, but my boss is very strict with this matter, but I saw Jennie's project; I know it will attract attention because of her beautiful designs," Jisoo chuckled.

"As I can see, your boss doesn't have time to show herself; she must be overworking you," Mrs. Kim whispered.

"Oh, no, she really cares about her employees, and she likes work-life balance, and no, she is the most competent lazy person I know; she's my best friend," Jisoo laughed, which made me choke. "I need to go now, Mrs. Kim," and looked at me, "And you are?" chu raised her eyebrow to me.

"Park Chaeyoung, if ever you are hiring, you can call me; I would love to work with a beautiful lady like you," I smirk, offering my hand for her to shake, and Jennie slapped my arms.

"Your shameless," Mrs. Kim apologized to Jisoo and asked her to have dinner with the Kims some other time, while I secretly stuck my tongue to her before she rides her car.

"See, Jennie, your girl only wants money, such a gold digger pervert," Mrs. Kim said, which made Jennie slam the door in her room.

I know this tactic of Mrs. Kim; she is trying Jennie to remember by insulting me and manipulating her to leave me. I'll just let her do that; maybe it's better to let Jennie fall out of love again than hurt her by leaving her.

I forgot how beast she is when she's jealous. Hyun never treats me like this. I pouted, remembering my Hyun, but no, don't compare them.

After an hour of giving Jennie her space, I knocked on her door, and finally, she opened it; I wrapped my arms around her and tell her, "Look, Jennie, a lot of things changed, for me, it's been ten years, I know you are stuck, but this is my other side, you know that I'm playful. I hope you also understand the situation, and I'm sorry if I hurt you,"

"Stop flirting with other girls, please," she pouted,

"Okay, let's eat; your Mom came back from work; she bought us food," I said as I intertwined our hands going to the dining area.

"Jennie, you will start your training to come back for CEO tomorrow, and I confirmed that Jisoo is living here also, try to be friendly to your cousin. she is the Vice Chairman of PCY Group, why can't she even help us," Mrs. Kim said,

"I thought they accepted your project? It means she's helping you; it's not easy to enter the PCY group, you know. I think I should befriend Ms. Jisoo," I giggled as I saw Jennie throwing me death glares,

"What do you know about business?" Mrs. Kim scoff. "If you can befriend her, she is so busy, and no one can really go near her,"

I can call her now, Mrs. Kim; I can only internally laugh.

"Mrs. Kim, if I become rich, will you want me for your daughter?" I hum,

"No, I don't like you because you are a bad influence, a big distraction for Jennie's success, and also you need years of hard work to become rich, Unless you marry Jennie, which will not be going to happen," Mrs. Kim whispered to me so Jennie won't hear.

I groan until I felt my phone vibrate again, it was Hyun, I excused myself and made sure that no one would hear our conversation.

"Hey, my Rosie," Hyun sweetly said,

"How are you, my Hyun" I shyly pouted

"I'm Fine; you told me that Jennie's girlfriend works in our company,"

"It's your company, Hyun,"

"No, it's your company, Rosie, you only gave it to us, but it's ours now, don't argue with me,"

"Okay, love, speak,"

"Jennie's girlfriend is my new assistant secretary, Sana. If I'm coming home to you, she will come home too. So, I guess, we can't still go home,"

"Hyun, I need you here," I softly cried,

"Shh, I love you, my Rosie, everything will be okay. Do this for Jennie; she's my friend too,"

"You're the best, Hyun. I love you too,"

Gone (Chaennie x Chaehyun) "EDITING"Where stories live. Discover now