Chapter 14 -

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Still Flashback

After that conversation, everything sailed smoothly. I dropped out of school and told Dad that I don't need to study anymore, but he only laughed at me while nodding because he understood why.

Jisoo and Lisa also always visiting me and become happy when they knew about Jehyun June, and they decided to live with us in the Bae mansion because they also want to be with Jehyun while she's growing up. 

All of us can't stop crying as we saw the nurse carrying our baby June and giving her to her Mommy Hyun.

"she looks exactly like you, My Hyun," Dad cried, and I saw my baby; she looks exactly like Hyun and a little bit look like Jennie.

"I can see my twin brother with our baby June." Hyun wiping her tears. "I love you, my June,"

"From now on, you will call me, mamu," Lisa held my baby June.

"hey! how about me?" Jisoo pouted, and I laughed with their cuteness.

"Mamu Lis and Mamu chu," Lisa giggled.

I cleared my throat to catch their attention, " are you done? cause I want to hold my June too," I said, and they all laughed, handing me our June.

My two other best friends respected me and loved me. They even offered me a lot of help without asking anything in return. They even told Dad that they would help to finance June and me, but Dad only smiled and nodded because I winked at Dad.

After Jisoo and Lisa graduated, I told them that I owned the PCY group. I thought they would get angry at me, but no, they are so supportive, and they understood. And after that, I helped them reach the 3rd rank of the richest in the country. They are so thankful, but they chose to work in my Company.

"Mamu Lisa!" the 3 years old June shouting, she grew up so fast, and All of us gave her attention. We provided all her needs, but I don't have a plan to spoil her too much.

"Why, My June," Lisa stopped dancing and faced our June, who is showing her dance to us that she just watched. I saw everyone's jaw fell.

"I think I'm your Mom," Lisa stutter as she hugs my daughter.

"no, you're my mamu. My mom is there," June said while pointing at Hyun and me, and I stuck my tongue out to Lisa secretly.

"Mamu chu, you said we would eat chicken today," June diverted her attention to smiling Chu, who's fidgeting.

"Ahh, hmmm, My June, we just ate chicken yesterday. Promise, we will eat tomorrow," Chu said.

"I can't believe this is happening, chu is changing," My Hyun giggled.

"Okay, Mamu. I want frozen yogurt," June said, and all of us nodded.

And when I asked Lisa to go to Australia to take care of my sister Alice, she cried because Lisa can't leave our Jehyun, so what we are doing is, sometimes Lisa is coming home to spend time with us. Sometimes we are going to Australia to visit her.

After Joohyun graduated, she took over the Bae corp. Chairman position, But Dad monitors the company more than Hyun because my Hyun is more focused on being Mommy of June. 

We decided to live in my apartment in Aunt Faye's every weekend and stay at the mansion every weekday. I want June to experience my life too.

"My Rosie, I want to experience your lifestyle too," Hyun smiled, "So, we will go with you,"

"My Hyun, you grew up rich. Do you really want it?" I pouted.

"Gosh, Rosie. You also grew up rich. If you can, then I can too. No more words. We will do this as a family." She winked at me as I can feel my cheeks burning.

"But people will know you; it will be hard for you, My Hyun," I sighed, especially since her face is all over the billboard now that she is the second most powerful woman in the country. We need to have securities. That's why I hired them, and I asked them to hide and only go out when It's an emergency.

"Tsk! Don't worry about it," she assured me.

 Hyun insisted that she wants to experience my life too, which is making me love her. She's always there through my ups and downs.

"Are you okay living here, My June?" I told my baby.

"Your house is so small Mom, how did you survive living here, my Rosie?" June said, and I looked at Hyun.

"Hmm, I never really used my wealth while growing up. I love challenges, and I actually didn't like money that much," I honestly said, and she hugged me.

"I understand, Mom. I like this house, it's comfortable, and I can easily find you," she kissed my cheek,

And in eight years, this is our life. Sometimes, we are living at Jisoo's house; she and Lisa are neighbors. June grew up with many talents, and she is so humble and loving. June told us that she doesn't want the world to know about her, she said that she wants to have a so secret life, like me. She doesn't want people befriending her because of her wealth. And we happily agreed. Dad and Hyun manage to take June out without the public noticing it. And June's appearance is also changing, she still looks exactly like Joohyun, but you will see Jennie when you stare at her.

When Hyun has her meeting in another country. June asked me if she can go with her Mommy. They will stay there for months without me. I can't go without them because I still have a charity program that I need to attend.

And the day they left. Mrs. Kim called me, and Jennie happens again, but Joohyun trusted me, and she even tells me what to do. I know that she is worried, but she is trying to understand the situation. Jennie hurt me before, and Hyun saw that, but I guess our similarity is we don't hold a grudge.

End of Flashback


I can feel tears coming out of my eyes. And I saw someone calling me.

"My Rosie," June giggled, which widen my eyes. "Why are you crying, Mom?"

"I missed you so much that I want to fly there now, just to hug and kiss my Princess," I said,

"Mommy told me that you are living with Jennie," June seriously said; she knows about Jennie because she deserves the truth, and she understands it immediately and didn't mind it because she has Me and Hyun and her Mamu Jisoo, Lisa, and Dad. 

June told us that everything is okay with her, and she has everything she needs now; she will never ask for more. And that is when we realize that June is so matured at her age, she knows a lot about things because she is like me, she loves to explore but comparing, June grew up with loving people, and we never fail to shower her with love, while I grew up without feeling loved, but now I have all the love but there still a missing piece.

"Yes, baby." I pouted. "Are you mad?" and she chuckled.

"I'm not mad, My Rosie. But are you okay?" 

"I am,"

Another week has passed, and Jennie and I grew more closer. She finally took over the Kim Corp. again and pushing me to work with her. Everything is normal and light, but Mrs. Kim is pushing me to bring Jennie to places where we go every time Jennie fights with me and hurts me when we are 18 years old.

 And now I realize that this is what I need to realize that I don't love Jennie romantically anymore. But I still love her because she is my best friend. I only want my best friend back. 

I have my own family now, who loves me so much. I've been introducing Jennie to places that we go to when we are 18 years old before we broke up. And lately, she's having headaches.

I wake up in the morning looking at her sleeping face. She's so peaceful, but in a minute, I saw her struggling like she is having a nightmare.

"Jennie!" I shook her body, and I saw her eyes widen.


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