Chapter 15

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I got used to waking up beside Jennie, the comfort that I feel, and the completeness. All the pain she causes is slowly going back to the box, and this time I want to let it all out so I will not feel like falling apart again when everything messes up.

I did my best to get Jennie to understand all the situation, so when she remembers everything, she will pick up the lessons she learned from me that I taught her, the way she should act in the relationship, that she should have her own life and don't let anyone get into her head, and always listen to what can make her happy.

I'm surprised that she's actually listening to me.


"What's with shouting in the morning, Love? Is this some prank again?" I chuckled; she woke up grumpy again.

"Love?! Have you lost your mind?! what happened?! Why are you here?" Jennie panicked and looked for her phone.

"Where's my phone?! I need to call my girlfriend! I will explain to her,"

"What? Wait? You have your memory back? or you just lost your memory again?" I curiously asked while looking at her eyes that shout anger.

The loving Jennie, the Jennie that looks so in love with me, disappeared again. Did I lose my best friend similarly?

"What?! Did I lose my memory? And you took advantage of it? You're shameless," Jennie groaned.


"Do you hate me that much?" I chuckled, feeling the tears coming out of my eyes.

"No. I never hated you, Chae. But this? taking advantage of me?" Jennie calmed.

"Look, Chae, I'm sorry, I'm just surprised. I don't remember that we are close again, and seeing you beside my bed terrified me."

" I see, you talked to me. Finally, you didn't avoid my question, J."

"It's been years. I'm trying to be mature after what I did to you. I told you, I will regret leaving you, Chae,"

"But you never hesitated to hurt me, over and over again, J" I painfully smiled.

"And I regret it even more. I regret hurting you, and it hunted me for years.  But I know that you are persistent, and you are so in love with me, so I have no choice but to do all of it, and it's irritating because you ask me over and over again," Jennie cried.

"But I really did fell out of love with you; you are in another city, and my jealousy kills me; I'm so paranoid. I need to go out to distract myself from you, but slowly you are always mad at me because you forbid me to Party,"

"Because you forbid me to have friends, Jennie, you told me not to go out, you told me not to communicate with other people," I said.

"at those moments, I forgot that I asked you to do all of that. But still, we are slowly growing apart each month that we are not together. And one day, I feel nothing anymore, and I want to focus on myself." Jennie said.

"I just can't go back to my best friend after what I did to you," she added.

"You can't focus on yourself if people around you are dictating you what to do!" I gritted my teeth.

"What do you want me to do,Chaeyoung? Disobey my Mom? Let my friends leave me? and I'm not letting them manipulate me!" She yelled.

"Really? but why you didn't tell them about your girlfriend?" I smirked, "Are you afraid that they don't like her, and you are afraid that maybe they manipulate you again to leave the girl," I mocked, and I saw her eyes burning. She is undoubtedly mad.

"You're always making my head hurts," She cried.

"I just want you to have your own life, Jennie. I hate seeing you like that," I hugged her while tapping her back, but she pushed me.

"OUT!!" She shouted.

"I forgive you, Jennie. I never hated you. I just hated the situation. You are so unfair to me. " I said. "Maybe this is the closure I always wanted to have,"

"I gave you closure, chaeng! But you are pushing yourself! Bullshit! Get out, Chaeyoung!" she pushed me as I felt my body hit the door. I groaned.

" I just want my best friend back. I thought I have you back, but I guess I lost you again." I bitterly said.

"Anyway. Thank you." I gave her a peck on her lips, but she slapped me hard. And I laughed crazily as I get my things and go home to my Dad.

I guess destiny has other plans for us. I will never have my best friend back, are we?

I picked up my phone and called my fiancé, "My Hyun, Jennie's memory came back. Can you come home now?"

"Did she hurt you, My Rosie? why are you crying?" Hyun worriedly said.

"No, No. I just missed you. I love you, Hyun. Tell June that I love her too,"

"We love you too, Rosie. We'll be on the next flight; I need to go now so that we can prepare our things." Hyun smiled and dropped the call. And I'm hurting because I just can't let my best friend shitting her life and letting other people messing with her.

The next thing I know, I found myself driving to Bae's mansion, and I saw Dad waiting for me outside worriedly. When I parked the car, He immediately ran to me and hugged me. His hug is making me break down.

"Shhh, Stop crying, My Rosie. You are safe here," Dad said while tapping my back. "Hyun told me,"

"I wasted my time for nothing, Dad. I thought I got my best friend to think maturely and choose herself. She's so grounded, Dad. I can't reach her wall. She's hurting herself," I sobbed.

"I'm proud of you. At least you gave your best, my Rosie. Everything will be okay. Time will come that she will realize everything." Dad said.

"Thank you, Dad."I forcibly smile.

"Anything for My Rosie. And finally, you are home. I really missed you. I thought you forget about me already!" He pouted.

"Dad!" I laughed.

"How's June in your trip, Dad? I heard you flew there impulsively?" I said while he scratched his neck.

"What can I do? I missed Our June so much," he said, "I'm glad you are okay now; let's go inside," and I nodded.

"June got mad at me first that I went there and told me that doing things impulsively is a bad idea. I tell you, your daughter is not a kid, she knows a lot, and she's so mature at her age. I shivered cause she's so strict, but afterward, she is happy because she missed me too," Dad said.

"I missed her too; I hope to see them as soon as possible," I pouted.

"I'm so proud of you and Hyun; June is a good and bright kid,"

"And I'm so so so thankful that you are my Dad," I kissed his temple.

Yes, This is my real family.

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