Chapter 24

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Jennie POV

So Chaeyoung and Irene are engaged. I'm really late.

Irene has June. I don't have any reason to win Chaeng back. I have her heart, but I can't just destroy her family. I left her, who am I to come back.


"You don't need a distraction, Jennie," Mom told me while giving me files, "You're still looking for her," I opened the files that I signed to look for Chaeyoung and photos of chaeyoung that she's volunteering to charities.

"Chaeyoung is not a distraction Mom, she's my life," I sobbed. "Don't you try touching her,"

"Your life? You lived for eight fucking years without her," Mom gritted her teeth.

"I lived for eight fucking years hoping every day to find her, to be with her again!" I yelled, but I received a heavy slap.

"You're still at the bottom Jennie. Success is still far from you." Mom butted.

It made my blood boil because I followed her to promise that she will not hurt Chaeyoung.

Yes, I have a girlfriend; I have Sana for months because I can't find Chaeyoung for eight years, and I thought it's time to try a new relationship, but I'm hoping that I will still find Chaeng. I found Sana, and she made me remember Chaeyoung, but she is not what I wanted, but Sana is a good person, that's why I stayed.

But one day, my investigator messaged me that they found chaeyoung, and this day, my Mom found out. I'm planning to Break up with Sana when she comes back from her trip with her boss because I can't lie to her anymore.

"Remember after one year that I fell out of love with Chaeyoung, and I decided to run away from home to stay in the city where Chaeyoung is? And I realized that I still love her," I composed myself.

For two years, I'm pushing and pulling Chaeyoung away. We broke up, but I act like we did not break up; she pursues me; I treat her like we are still together, but when I see my Mom's investigator, I feel angry and unintentionally hurt chaeyoung so my Mom's investigator report to Mom that I'm pushing Chaeyoung away.

Seeing Chaeyoung crying and begging for me is destroying my Mental Health. And one day, I cried in front of Chaeyoung and telling her that It's also hard for me. I can't just go to her because My friends are also reporting my actions to my Mom. So I have no choice but to tell my friends that I don't love Chaeyoung anymore to make them believe and not to monitor me.

I snuck out to meet Chaeyoung, but they are so good at finding it out.

I fell out of love, and I think it is because I always tell my friends that I don't love chaeyoung anymore. But I'm doing some things that confuse me, because I can't let her go. Until one day after one year I realized that I want to choose Chaeyoung and get the Idea of running away.

I went to another city to stay with Chaeyoung; I know she is so confused that I act like we are together, but we forget about our painful breakup and my painful way of pushing her away. We enjoyed every single day and sleeping together every chance we get. we are lived together. Until one day, Mom sent me a photo of Chaeyoung and Me. Mom found me; she found us.

"We are going to be together again, She asked me to be with her again, and I want to say yes. But you destroyed everything, Mom. I want to be with her because I love her so much that I will choose to hurt her to get her away from you. After all, you are a big threat to her life, to her dreams! And fuck you for destroying me!" I yelled, but she maniacally laughed.

"Jennie, Honey. I won. You are so dumb when it comes to Chaeyoung. I can't believe that I didn't do hard work to separate you because you are so good at hurting her. You destroyed her, honey, not me. It's all you," Mom laughed as she is about to get out of my car.

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