Chapter 17

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Jennie's POV

I pressed my head in the door as Chaeyoung left. After minutes of reflecting, I prepared myself to work and shrugged all the tension inside my body.

Why did I lose my memory?

As I entered my office, and I saw my Mom, "Where's your Trashy Girlfriend? I mean Chaeyoung," Mom said.

Does mom know?

"I don't know, Mom," I lied.

"Wow, you didn't defend her today; that's new." Mom chuckled.

Defended? I did that? to Mom?

"I thought you don't like her, Mom?"

"Well, cause she's a bad influence to you before, and then she left you devastated. If you can only remember, I think you don't want to go back to her because she left you. But lately, I see you being inspired and doing your best because of Chaeyoung and because you don't want to lose her again. But be careful, J, because it's been 10 years, we are not sure if her feelings for you are genuine." She smiled.

What? chaeyoung left me? Did they manipulate me that way?

"Okay, Mom," I said



"If I see her face with you again, We will disown you. We know that you can't live a life like chaeyoung," Mom said.

"She's my best friend, mom!" I said.

"Best friend that is eating each other's faces? Do you think I don't know that you are always coming late to your class and you even skip class with chaeyoung! how can you handle the company if you are so irresponsible,"

at first, I didn't listen to her, but time goes by; everything just goes south, and my feeling for chaeyoung fell apart.

End of Flashback


It's weird talking to my Mom about my ex.

"It's the first time she did not drive you here huh, did you fight?" Mom spoke again.

Chaeyoung drives me to work? Should I tell Mom that I got back my memory?

"No, Mom. She is busy,"

"Maybe she's busy cleaning your condo, again," Mom hum with insult. "Why don't you hire her as your house cleaner?"

I have this weird feeling deep inside me that I need to defend Chaeyoung, and I don't know why. I have never done that before because I am so scared about what Mom can do to her.

But chaeyoung? cleaning my condo? As I remember, chaeyoung always coming home from another city and cleans my school dorm during my first year in the university. I don't really like that she's doing it because she's wasting money and spending more time cleaning my room than me.

Time has passed, and it's lunchtime again and saw my secretary entered my office.

"Ms. Kim, I didn't saw Ms. Park Chaeyoung delivering your lunch. Do you want me to order you food?" Wendy asked.

"Does she always do that?" I asked.

"Yes, Ms. Kim. She even gives me food too and treats everyone here some coffee; you're so lucky to have her," Wendy giggled.

"Okay, order me some food, please. Thank you," I plainly said.

Chaeyoung gives me food every lunchtime? she always does that when we are still together. She always cooks me different delicious foods. And also treating my people well. 

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