Chapter 30

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Jennie POV

It's been a month since I saw Chaeng. And My Mom is bugging me to come back to our company.

I don't feel like I'm working because PCY's chairman is not going to work, but I saw all her ideas and achievement around the office, and I can't say a word. She is just so perfect. Imagine at an early age, and she manages to grow her company in just a month.

I wonder if she is just like Irene, not working because she has a family to take care of. How did she manage to hide herself when people are so sneaky. Plus, she should be taking advantage of her fame.

Jisoo is not the Vice-Chairman of the PCY group anymore, but she is still coming to visit her old office.

I've been wondering why the current Vice-Chairman of the PCY is always looking at me. She's the famous Alice Park, the rumored girlfriend of Lisa Manoban before, but now the rumor shifted to Kim Jisoo. There are rumors saying that Jisoo gave her position as Vice-Chairman because she is her secret girlfriend, but who knows? Jisoo and Lisa share the same spot as the second richest in the country after Irene's death, so they are mostly the person to talk to in this company.

Of course, Alice Park is also the talk in this company. She is a well-known lawyer and a scholar of the PCY group, but most employees didn't expect that she will become the Vice-Chairman cause they are expecting it to be Lisa Manoban, but no. Lisa is the CEO of PCY entertainment, so I didn't also expect her to be the Vice-Chairman.

About Chaeyoung, the day I went home from Irene's grave. I saw a bouquet left in front of my door with a letter. An apology letter from the person I love. The person I promised to wait. And it is not her anymore. No!

It's still her.

She is just like me before.


But I found my way back. I got sidetracked before, but no one's gonna stop me now.

She is My Park Chaeyoung. I'm not afraid of her new aura.

For Hyun.

For June.

For Myself.

For Rosie.

I smiled while turning around in my seat while waiting for another day and time to waste inside the PCY Chairman's secretary table.

But a noise got my attention. No one is allowed to enter the office other than the Chairman's secretary. There is two-door to enter the office, a passage for the Chairman and a door for visitors and me. And I heard the other door open.

I felt my heartbeat so fast cause I never saw the PCY's chairman. I mean, no one has ever seen her. I also felt my knees soften as I fixed myself.

I saw a figure enter, I can't see her face, but the height is the same as Chaeng. She sat down on her chair and started to sign some paper. I felt her Chairman aura by just looking at her shadow and movement inside the office.

I never entered her exact office; this whole room is Chairman's area, but I'm only allowed in the secretary room, but I get a glimpse of the interiors of the office. I sense some familiarity, maybe because it is the same as my design idea during Highschool.

The colors are my favorite color; even the furniture is my taste. I feel like me, and my boss can be good friends cause we have the same taste. I think I can even give her an Idea for her interior.

I saw the Train file delivery beside me. Gosh, for years of staying here, Finally I saw the purpose of this weird Train station in my office area.

I saw the whole proposal of the new technology that the PCY chairman wants to introduce to the world and obviously, as soon as it goes out the market, it will be sold out even without famous people's advertisement.

Everyone loves PCY, and their mysterious Chairman is like their God. And I can't believe that I have a chance to know her even though I don't know exactly how she looks like.

I saw a note in it that surprised me because her handwriting is so good that she seems friendly and obviously mysterious. 

"Read my proposal, and I want you to design it in the future. Depends on what will happen,"

I read the proposal, and I widened my eyes. It is an AI assistant that can help you in your daily life, and it can control your lights, music, television, and any devices.  It is a small robot that you can talk to. It says that you can make friends with AI. If you are alone, you can have a good time with your AI friend. 

It looks like the proposal is made from sadness and loneliness. Even if Its goal is to make things easier and faster but also fun, the main purpose of the product is to have someone to talk to, even if it's only an AI, but it also has different features that you can purchase where you can talk to someone with the same device. But what shook me with the feature is it also offers a virtual therapy using the device; it is like you are only talking to the robot.

Time passed, and it's already lunchtime, and I don't know what to do. What if she doesn't want me to hear her voice or disturb her? Because Since she sat there, she's been on her laptop.

But remembering my secretary before, even if I'm busy, she asks me if she should order me food.

I was about to knock on her door when I saw the file train station beeps.

"You can eat now, Jennie,"

Jennie? are they on a first-name basis here?

I wrote back and pressed the train.

"Do you want me to order you some lunch Ms. Chairman?" gosh, I don't even know her name, but she is called PCY.

I feel nervous because I don't know If I'm doing this right. Gosh! Why didn't Jisoo warned me Or even Ms. Park?

I heard the station beep again, "It's fine, Jennie. You can enjoy your Lunch,"

I sighed and went out for lunch, but I went back as soon as possible. The chairman is not giving me some schedule to fix, some work to do, so I'm chatting with my Daughter.

June keeps sending me funny photos, and I can't stop laughing until I heard the station beeps again.

"I'm so bored, Ask me questions," the small letter said; I looked in her office, and I saw her shadow closing her laptop.

"Honestly, I'm curious. I've been working for you for years Ms. Chairman, but this is the first time I saw you come to work. Why?" I asked.

"For a change? I've been hiding for too long," She said.

"Why are you hiding?" I wrote.

"Well, I want to be accepted and loved not because of my social status, but because of who I am inside, and I want something true and genuine," She replied. And It hits me, obviously, everyone will try to hit on her because who will not like the richest woman in this country and well-known chairman that the other countries look up to, and she is so young when she achieved everything. So, I understand her situation. 

She wants to be loved.

She wants love.

She is not the kind of person who will marry someone because he is rich. Not the typical marry someone of your same status.

"You remind me of my true love, she doesn't want to be hated because of her status too. So, she worked hard to impress me and to gain my Friends and Parent' approval, but things went south. I made a mistake before but now I'm willing to give her all the love she deserves, even if she will not let me enter her heart anymore. I hope you already found the love that you deserve," I wrote without thinking. I groan as I realized that I said a lot and why the PCY chairman would care about my love life!

I heard the station beep and nervously read her reply,

"I don't actually know. But will you go out with me, Jennie?"

Gone (Chaennie x Chaehyun) "EDITING"Where stories live. Discover now