Chapter 7

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"You're crying again," 

 "What's wrong?"

I'm getting crazy asking myself what is wrong when I know what it is. The old Chaeyoung is going back, and it feels suck, and It is like all my effort to be okay is wasted.

After two minutes of crying, I felt nothing and laughed like I didn't feel vulnerable minutes ago. Am I empty, or do I just have this ability to suppress what I feel?

Another week passed, and the painful memories that Jennie caused me are flashing in my head, but when I'm facing her, it disappears.

Do I still love her? Hopefully not because she will leave me eventually.

But my feelings are overflowing and becoming more confusing. Still, the only thing that I'm sure about is I'm enjoying every second that I'm with Jennie, and She's making me confusingly happy.

I just got out of a convenience store, buying milk and chocolates, entering her room carrying a smile; Jennie will go out of the hospital tomorrow.

"For you, my love," I winked and pecked Jennie's lips, while Mrs. Kim is rolling her eyes.

"You are still like this?" Jennie giggled because I know she remembers how I treat her; I always buy her cheap chocolates with milk every time I'm going to see her, even in our school. The little efforts make me proud of myself for showing her how much I love her.

This is 17 years old Jennie, so It's normal for me to do this.

"Can we talk?" Mrs. Kim frowned and went outside Jennie's room, and I followed her.

"Don't fall too hard, Ms. Park, you know that she will remember that she doesn't love you anymore, so stop pushing all the shits you are doing, stop making her fall for you," Mrs. Kim sternly said.

"Are you afraid that when she remembers, she will consider me back and love me again? Then why I'm here in the first place? You know I'm not gaining anything from being here," I gritted my teeth; as much as I want to pull this old woman's hair, I will not do that because I still have respect for old people. 

I know that they need me to make Jennie's memory back slowly because I'm part of it, jumping her memory will cause no good, so I'm here, slowly making her remember how our relationship is slowly falling apart.

When Jennie and I broke up, she didn't even cry like she is already fully done with me. I only left to study in another city to reach our dreams because I want to show her that I'm reaching my dreams with her. The school offered me a full scholarship by looking at my grades, not my background. I'm rich already, but I want to show her and her Mom that I will climb up without using my wealth, and I know education is so important for them even if I don't need it anymore.



"You accepted the scholarship without telling me?!" Jennie shouted at me in our favorite place in school, where it is the only two of us always go there.

"That is the only school that offered me, and It is one of the best engineering schools; I want to take the opportunity, Love," I said, because I'm a goal-driven person, and I'm so focused on showing up my worth to Jennie by studying hard and working hard which I didn't do much in my company because my employees are doing the hard work for me.

If Jennie's Mom knew that I graduated from that school and finished with Latin honors, doing my best would make them accept me for Jennie. They will like me for Jennie because I'm doing all this for their daughter, and they will know that I'm the right person for Jennie.

"You made your decision without telling me, chae; I thought we would go to the same university, My Mom had already enrolled me, and now you are telling me you are going away?"

"Go with me, let's leave this place; I can't cancel the scholarship anymore, everything is already fixed, I don't want to cause trouble and humiliation," I cried because I know what she will say next.

"You're so selfish, chae,"

"No, you are so selfish! You are treating me like a dog, following you around and tightening my leash; you are not letting me go out of the box; I also have a life, Jen." I lashed out, and I widened my eyes when I realized what I'd just said. 

My mind went to every selfishness she did like She made me stop doing swimming which is the only thing that can make me relaxed and happy, just because she is jealous of people who will see my body, she stopped me from joining activities and a lot of things.

"Let's break up; I can't handle long-distance relationships," Jennie said; I immediately kneeled in front of her.

"I'm sorry, love. Don't leave me, please, and you are the only one I have. Please give this to me, and I really want to do this; this is for you, Jennie, for us, for our future. Do you love me?" I said,

"I love you, Chae."

"Please, I'm sorry, Nini,"

"I'm so afraid that you will leave me and love someone who is near you," Jennie said,

"It won't happen, love,"

"I will allow you, but you have to wear our promise ring and no friends. Follow my rules, don't go anywhere and don't go out with anyone, always call me, and lastly, don't message anyone other than me, unless it's school-related. Promise me, Chae."


End of flashback


I wasted my effort for this piece of a shit person. It makes me puke that I tried to impress this stuck-up bitch.

"Don't be full of yourself, Ms. Park; we all know that you are taking advantage of my daughter, like kissing her? Being sweet with her? I'm so stupid letting my daughter kiss trash. You are no good for my daughter, and don't expect her to spend her money for you," It cringes on me and makes me internally laugh.

I paid for all our dates before, and I worked in a coffee shop to save money for our dates; the only reason I worked there part-time is that I love the smell of coffee and tea, which makes me remember my Grandparents. Plus, the environment in the coffee shop is so friendly, plus I owned it, but even the manager doesn't know it. People will not believe that I paid for our dates without showing them that I'm working, or else they will accuse me and spread gossip that I steal money.

I always hated money because it is always why my parents are always fighting; it is why my parents left me; it is all because of money.

What hurts me is, I asked Jennie what will she choose, Money or Happiness. But she chose money.

I smirked and looked at the older woman who is full of herself.

"Are you done, Mrs. Kim? If I may, I need to go back to your daughter, who begs for my attention, not yours. If you want me out of your daughter's life, then go, tell her to leave me. Let me remind you, this Jennie is so in love with me, I don't want to see you watching your daughter talking to a therapist because you broke us apart, and remember Mrs. Kim, she is not a kid anymore, she can leave you anytime she wants because I will tell her that you made me leave her," I winked at her.

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