Chapter 12

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I woke up the next morning without Jennie beside me, I traveled my eyes and saw the time, It's almost lunchtime.

I stretched my body and rub my eyes as I saw a sticky note on the nightstand. 

"Good Morning, beautiful. I cooked something for you. See you tonight after work. I love you," 

I couldn't imagine the light feeling inside me.

While Jennie is out and ate the food she cooked. I brought out my phone to message my family and scroll in my photos because I miss my family, my life.



I'm walking beside the beach while holding a bottle of wine. I still can't believe that Jennie left me. What happened? Chanyeol messaged me when I visited Jennie from where I study and Jennie saw it.

But I got mad because how can I not have friends when she is always out partying with her friends while I'm alone in a new city without new friends and new people that I can talk with because Jennie forbids me to.

And one day, Jennie's friends saw me walking with Chanyeol and told Jennie. But the reason why chanyeol is there is because he saw me and tried to ask me something academic-related.

After that, Jennie told me that she doesn't want to be with me anymore, and shut me off like I didn't exist in her life.

I begged her, but she told me, "You are only staying with me because you are afraid to be alone," I proved to her that I could live alone, but I still didn't stop pursuing Jennie. I isolated myself, I tried my best to disconnect with everyone, except Jennie.

I threw the bottle of wine on the beach sand and swam as far as I can and I felt my head hit something.

The next thing I know, I'm not in the hospital but I'm in a room, but I have machines around me and a tube in my mouth. I can feel my body hurt. I see a doctor remove the tube in my mouth and checked my vitals.

"Where am I?" I said.

"You're awake, You are in our home," a beautiful woman said. "I'm Bae Joohyun, What's your name?"

"I'm Roseanne Park," I said because that's my name in Australia before my Parents gave me to my Grandparents. I didn't know what came to my mind to say that name again.

"Okay, Rosie. How are you feeling? You're asleep for one week now. We saw you floating in the ocean, I'm glad I was able to save you," she painfully smiled, and now I feel guilty.

"You don't have to save me, you know," I said but she caressed my face,

"I want to, I failed to save my brother, so I will never think twice to save you," she smiled.

"I don't have the capability, I can't pay for all of this," I pouted but she only laughed.

"It's all on me and my Dad. We don't care if you are not privileged," she said. "Since you are poor. From now on,  you will live with us. We will take care of you." I tried to reject it but she was persistent and promised me that she will protect me.

After months of staying at the Bae's mansion, Mr. Bae and Hyun became my family. Mr. Bae told me that I should call him Dad. They loved me even if I always sabotage myself in front of them. 

I always hook up with different girls and always come home drunk. But what funny is, Dad and Hyun are the ones who clean me up and take care of me when I got home drunk. Eventually, I'm stopped hooking up with different girls but I never stopped coming home drunk. They love me like their own family, they never left me. I spent their money left and right but I never hear a word from them, all I want is to show them that I'm a mess and they will leave me.

"Rosie," Dad said.

"Why Dad?" I said while sitting beside him.

"My Rosie Posie, do you really not want to take that therapy?"

"Dad, It's expensive,"

"But we have money, it's okay. Your mental health is more important. And we love you, even if it's just months that we know each other. Don't worry about the money. Please, My Rosie?" Dad pouted.

"But, I heard you earlier Dad, your company is on the verge of bankruptcy," I sighed. I'm not ready to reveal my identity to them.

"Don't worry about that, Rosie. Family is my priority. The company will survive, Promise." he insisted.

 They helped me to go to therapy, which helped me a lot. Joohyun introduced me to Lisa and Jisoo, her friends which became my friends too. We are like a family. They treated me like the way the Bae's treated me.

And after a year of bugging Jennie, I slowly stopped and asked her to be my friend again. After months she messaged me, telling me that she is going to the city and asked me to tour her. Of course, she is my best friend, so I agreed because I want my best friend back.

What I didn't expect is she acted like we are a couple again. At first, I doubt it, because I can't stop thinking about Hyun, but after I tell Jennie that I love her, and she kissed me. We slept together. And that's when everything fell apart. I imagine our life again, together. I asked her to be my girlfriend again, but she ignored me. She made me feel like shit again.

"We made love," I said.

"But It doesn't mean anything to me," Jennie said while I'm thinking about all the confusing things we did while she was here with me.

"I don't like this anymore," I said, "I'm so stupid, thinking that you still want me," I shook my head. It is disappointing. I don't, I can't even say where I should stand. Who am I in her life?

"Okay, I'm sorry, chae," I felt tears building in my eyes but I have to suppress them.

"Do you love me, Jennie?" I asked even if I know the answer. It is written all over her face.

"No," she said. I know that she's seeing anyone now. I'm happy that she chose to sleep with me than that woman, but I didn't expect it to destroy me. How do I know that she never slept with anyone after me? because she asked me if she's a top, and I told her to ask her other girls, but she told me that I'm the only one she sleeps with.

"Please, Chaeyoung. I already moved on, I slept with you because I thought you like it too. But it doesn't mean I love you."

"But you only fuck the person you love!" I yelled.

"I told you clearly that I fell out of love, and not planning to fall in love with you again. I think I can't love you romantically anymore." Jennie coldly said. "You are so desperate, It disgusts me,"

"It's okay, I'm still your best friend, you can talk to me anytime you want, just please give me time. I'm sorry for trying," I cleared my throat trying not to break down in front of her.

Everything is just falling apart, and I know Jennie is feeling it too, I know how I can see the pain in her eyes, I know she wants to hold me, but instead of being with me, she chose to hurt me. Whatever her reason is, I'm so tired of this.

After that, I went home to the Bae Mansion, Hyun and Dad, run to me and hugged me.

"My Rosie, what happened," Hyun said while Dad is wiping my tears.

"I'm so stupid, Will you still stay? I'm a mess, will you still stay?" I sobbed and I felt Dad's hands tapping my back.

"We will never leave you, My Rosie," Dad kissed my forehead.

"I'm pregnant," I said, and I saw their eyes widen. "Will you still accept me?"

Gone (Chaennie x Chaehyun) "EDITING"Where stories live. Discover now