Chapter 28

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Chaeyoung POV

All I want is a silent life, living life happily with my daughter and our family. But this is how it ended. It ended unfairly.

Having Hyun for eleven years of my life, waking up every day with her care and love. I can't ask for more other than staying alive for me. Everyone knows how bitch she looks, but she's a real angel who never left my side. 

I just got home from my tours, and I coldly smiled at those people who threw eggs in my face. And I realized that I'm so good for this world. People are cruel to people who they can afford but respect those who are higher than them.

"Park Chaeyoung, did you come home because it's Irene Bae's death anniversary or you are here for another vacation?" One of the media asked. What kind of question is that?

I expect them to treat me like that because I traveled to a different country after Hyun's burial. 

The media are throwing me a lot of questions, but I did not answer all of them.

Obviously! I came home for my wife. And I think it's time to go home. I still miss Hyun, but I'm not as miserable as I was two years ago.

"Ms. Park, what can you say about people who's saying that you only used Irene Bae for fame and money?" another media threw. What the hell. 

"Irene should have marry Suho. He surely can take care of Bae's corporation than you, gold digger," someone who wears rich clothes shouted.

I never did things to hurt anyone and disrespect people. All I did is to be kind to people. But hearing Hyun's name from other people triggers me. You can speak my name all you want, but mentioning my ex-wife is not good for me, especially if you will tell me that she should marry that wrong person, Suho.

"Get the name of the one who shouted," I whispered to my security, "Add her to the black list," I smirked, but I realized she did not do something horrible, so I turned to my security and tell him, "Remove her from the black list after a year,"

I did not lose myself in the process of recovering; instead, I found myself.

I'm tired of waiting for people to respect other people regardless of their social status.

I rolled my eyes as I bump Hyun's fans. 

"One day, I will make those people who disrespected me, kneel in front of me. I will see their true color first before I will make them realize that they are messing with the wrong person," I said to myself.

 After Hyun's burial, I can't count how many arrogant people who lose their Job because they messed with me. And It's funny because they have no idea why they are block listed, and no one wants to hire them.

It's hilarious that everyone and even the other countries praise the Chairman of PCY Group for being a good and very well-known philanthropist. They respected and look high to the PCY Group Chairman, and it is always on the news like every day, every hour. PCY Group is everywhere, giving jobs and opportunities, helping people and the economy. But see how unreal some people are.

"Well, karma is a bitch Chaeyoung. You clinging to rich people has its end, no one will like to be with you. Hmm, I can see you are enjoying your ex-wife's wealth. Luckily, Mr. Bae didn't trust you enough to give you their wealth," someone familiar said. Of course, I asked Dad to announce to the media that I will not take any of their wealth, but still, people are assuming that I'm using the Bae's money in my every move.

"Why are you here, Joy? Are you following me?" I groaned.

"Oh, don't flatter yourself. I just came home from my vacation, I didn't know that I'll bump in to you. The famous gold digger. It's a shame that Irene is been manipulated" Joy smirked as she walks away.

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