Chapter 31

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Chaeyoung's POV

She said that without knowing that it is me, she is talking to. She said that genuinely. I never really understand her point of view before because she is very confusing. However, It is different now.

The question that has been bugging me why did my family hide me from Mrs. Kim?

I was about to ask my sister that night, but she told me to wait because she, herself not even ready to talk about it.

Moreover, I've been spending my time with June and Alice lately and what pains me is even June is scared of me.



"My Rosie," June caressed my face while her hands are shaking.

"Love," I smiled cause she's growing; I missed Hyun even more because I can see Hyun by looking at June. But Jennie's look is also appearing. June is the mixture of the two people I love the most.

"I'm brave, My Rosie. If Mommy Hyun is here, she will say that she understands you. And Mom, I understand you too. But please stop pushing people away. I know you are trying to prove that you can do this alone, but I need you too, My Rosie," I felt June's arm around my neck.

"It's been a year since I did this, Mom. Please come back. Our Hyun will not be pleased knowing that we are slipping away," She continued.

I smiled as I cupped her face, "That's why I came home." I pouted.

"That!" June shouted, which startled me.

"That smile is what I've been waiting for! Gosh! Is the place where you stayed are so cold that you become one and afraid to smile genuinely because you are afraid that your teeth will freeze?! Mom! I don't know, but I feel like crying," June faked wipe her tears.

I burst as I saw her become comfortable with me again.

"You're crazy," I chuckled as my breath comes back to normal.

"No, you are. Mommy Hyun almost wake up from the grave to follow you and take you home to take care of me!" She slapped my arms.

"Hey! I didn't teach you that!" I pouted cause I never taught her to slap someone's arm.

"Well, I lived with Mom Jennie for a year because my Mom abandoned me," She smirked.

"So, Jennie taught you that?" I hummed.

"No. Mom, you know me. I love exploring. I saw it. I know that It's bad, but I feel like doing it to you because you deserve it," She smug. "But like I always said, I'm just teasing you. I love you, Mom."

"Ohh, My June." I kissed her cheeks and whispered, "You know how much I love you and your Mommy Hyun, and Mommy Hyun loves you so much. Of course, your Mom Jennie also loves you too,"

"I missed you, Mom. I'm glad that you're back. Please don't do that again."

"I won't" I wiped her tears.

"How about Mom Jennie? Do you love her too?" June smug.


"Is that a yes?"

I don't really know. But I can feel my heartbeat whenever I hear her name. I feel comfort.

"Love, I'll try to figure out," I said.

"Are you even aware that you were smiling when I mentioned Mom Jennie?" June chuckled.

Am I?

I traced my face and felt my lips stretched.

Am I smiling genuinely without knowing it?

"Mommy Hyun loves you too, so so much, Mom. What makes you happy will make us all happy," June kissed my cheeks and bid her goodbye because she is having her language class today. She obviously got it from Jennie.

End of Flashback

"I don't actually know. But will you go out with me, Jennie?" I nervously pressed the train. Yes, I asked someone to make this File train station because Hyun told me that Jennie would become the first PCY Chairman's secretary.

Jennie is surprised that she got the job. Even the whole country is surprised about it. It is even the cover news for a month. But she is so afraid to say the wrong word that is why she never asks why PCY Group and the Bae have a great connection. Jennie only thinks that Jisoo and Lisa are a big help.

I sighed cause I didn't receive her reply yet. Maybe she is surprised by my question.

I played with my pen until I heard the train beep again.

"Oh, I didn't know that you're gay. I'm sure you know how I look, but I'm sorry, my heart is only for my First love. No hard feelings. You will find someone you deserve someday. I love her so much to entertain you," Jennie said.

I chuckled as I'm reading it because she could get fired, and her reputation can be ruined if it's not me. But I heard another beep.

"Ms. Chairman, your proposal is incredible. Thank you for the opportunity you gave me. Designing your AI is so big for me, especially for people who love your ideas. It's an honor to work for you. I didn't expect to have direct contact with the Mysterious Chairman of PCY Group. It's my time to go home now, as per your rules. I hope to see you here more often, Ma'am,"

Wow, she knows how to back it up.

I smiled as I saw her went out of her office. I made sure that she finally left before I fixed myself and walked to her office. It's so organized, and I opened her computer. I widen my eyes as I saw the computer's wallpaper; it is Me between Jennie and Hyun, while June is in front of me.

I Immediately closed the computer because I feel like I'm invading her privacy. So, I stood and looked around.

I saw books in her cabinet. It is all self-help books and a parenting book.

And what surprised me is, there is a notebook where it lists everything about me.

Well, I'm certainly invading her privacy now.

She is trying to get to know me more by Hyun's story. And there are a lot of reminders about June and Me in there.

And a page where there is written

"Where are you?"

"I miss you, chaeng."

"Please come home,"

"I'm sorry for failing you, Hyun,"

"I love you,"

"I will wait,"

And there's a Photo pasted in the notebook. It is the same photo on her Computer but with a caption.

" My Family <3."

I felt my hand shake as I closed the notebook and brought it back inside the cabinet.

"Chaeyoung?" A voice said as I closed the cabinet.

I raised my face and saw Jennie froze in her place.

"What are you doing here?" Jennie panicked and looked around

"No one is allowed to come here, Chaeng," She whispered.


"You" Jennie shook her head like she has had some realization, but I maintained my poker face.

"Don't tell me," She nervously said.

"that you are the PCY's Chairman?" Jennie said as her Bag fell on the floor.

Gone (Chaennie x Chaehyun) &quot;EDITING&quot;Where stories live. Discover now