Chapter 33

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It's a week now since I asked Jennie out. And It's been good. She's a little bit intimidated and uncomfortable seeing me in this kind of life because she is not used to it. But Jennie tries her best not to show it to me.

I felt Jennie's hands while I'm preparing the depths of my proposal. I hummed while still typing.

"Back then, you are doing your best so you can give me a beautiful life. You joined in school activities for extra points in class. You are always on top of class. Why? why do you keep impressing me when I already told you that you don't have to impress me," Jennie said.

"Because," I softly smile, "I just love seeing you so proud of me, and I want your friends to accept me, especially your Mom. I love that I'm so energetic and so dedicated in all of the things I do because I have you. I know that you don't like the idea back then because we are still young and immature, but I did it because it makes me happy and contented. I love doing everything for you,"


"Yes, Wow," I chuckled, still looking on my computer.

"You really loved me," Jennie smiled.

"Of course, Jennie. I even proposed to you back then. Gosh, I may be young but I mean it. The ring and my undying confession while asking you to marry me and you said yes. It's not some little kids game, Jennie. I even have this crazy idea to ask you to marry me in secret but you broke up with me,"

"Seriously Chaeng, you always have the crazy ideas," Jennie laughed.

"I just love you so much, J." I unconsciously said, and I stuttered when I realized what I said. "Ahm, back then."

"wow," She nodded. "What are your plans before, when that crazy marriage happened,"

"Oh! That time I planned to ask you to live with me in New Zealand because you told me that it is your home even if you only stayed there for 5 years. We will have a peaceful and environmental life. You will continue your studies there and I will be your supportive wife and carry our first child and then I will stop studying cause I don't need to anymore. You don't also need to work, I will give you the best life you could ever wish," I beamed.

"But I don't want to be selfish and take you away from your friends that you really like and you Mom that you love, I just can't be selfish, Jennie. And I thought of that idea before I doubt it, we are still young and If you really love me, you will stay until I tell you about PCY. And my fear came, you left. But my pride is still there, I pursued you without using my wealth. Still, I didn't gain anything." I sighed and saw her painful smile.

"We can't control the situation, Jennie. If I only knew about you and your Mom. I will not think twice to take you away and tell you everything. But you always shows me that you and your Mom are fine and I saw how much you love her," I stopped and showed her my gummy smile.

"But overall, I'm so proud of my crazy idea. It's horrible but I'm still thankful because I met Hyun," I proudly said.

"You're so enthusiast, are you?" Jennie giggled. "Yeah, I'm also thankful that you met Hyun, she's the best."

"She is,"

"So, where are you taking me tonight, Ms. Park? oh Mrs. Park? " Jennie winked.

After everything, it is still worth it. It is part of our life. If things like that didn't happen, we would never meet these wonderful people that we are with right now. Hyun, Dad, Lisa, and Jisoo are those people I can't imagine not having.

I'm getting ready to take Jennie out for tonight. I asked her to go home early so she can take some rest. But I heard my phone ring and heard Jisoo and Lisa crying, "what happened?" I asked.

"Come here at the PCY hospital, Jennie is in the emergency room," Lisa cried.

What the hell.

I didn't listen to what Lisa said as I drove fast to see her.

I saw Lisa outside the room and said, "She's in coma, this is her second accident, so, it's critical. I'm sorry, Rosie,"

the hell, I bumped them and worriedly entered the room.

"Hey, wake up! you will still marry me, Jennie!" I shouted cause I feel like dying too.

"Please, Jennie. I can't. I love you, please wake up," I cried, feeling my heart beating so fast.

"I do, I do love you, I love you, please," I covered my face because it's a lot to take. Not again.

"Hey, why are you shouting your undying love to me?" Jennie confusingly said while rubbing her eyes and yawning; I widened my eyes and looked at Lisa and Jisoo smiling like crazy in front of me.

"I'm just resting here because Lisa and Jisoo told me so. I just hurt my arms cause Jisoo accidentally bump me so hard, and they insist to bring me here," Jennie smirked.

"So, you finally admit that you love me, Rosie?"

I felt my whole face burning not from anger but from embarrassment. I turned my head to Lisa and Jisoo again, and they are not there anymore.

I understand what Lisa and Jisoo did. They made me realize what I will feel if I lost Jennie too, they helped me truly know what I feel. I heaved a sigh and hugged her, "Gosh, please, don't scare me like that again."

"I didn't mean too, sorry, but at least I know now that you still love me." Jennie pouted.

Our dates are moved, but we are enjoying our days, and Jennie always shows me how much she loves me and how much she is willing to wait for me. But I'm now ready. So, I'm planning to ask her for a marriage. I don't want to waste time anymore. Hyun is right. Thank you, my Angel, for everything. I looked at the ring Hyun bought for Jennie and me; Hyun even expects or should I say, wants me to Marry Jennie after a year of her death, but no. I can't imagine that I will come into this situation where I will finally ask Jennie to marry me for real.

I entered Bae's mansion and saw Alice waiting for me.

"What are you doing here, sis?" I kissed her cheeks.

"I saw you with Jennie Kim. I asked Jisoo and Lisa, they told me that you are ex lovers and will going back together again," Alice uncomfortably said.

"What about it? I'm sorry for not telling you," I said. "I want to tell you that I'm finally asking her to marry me," I smiled.

"You can't Roseanne," She immediately said.

"Why?" I felt my blood boil.

"It's Claire Kim, the reason why we became poor and why our parents died," Alice started.

"Jennie have nothing to do with it, Alice," I said, which is true. If she tells me this because of her hate for Mrs. Kim, then I don't care. I have everything now; whatever it is her agenda, I will still marry Jennie. They left me, I survived living alone, and they didn't do anything about it. So, she can't stop me.

"There is Rosé!" She yelled.

"Mom and Dad and Claire Kim are business partners, but Claire Kim stole everything from us," Alice said.

"Then what Jennie has to do with it?" I yelled while massaging my temple.

"Claire Kim and Dad had an affair," she said, and I started to panic with the next word she would say.

"Jennie is our Sister,"

Gone (Chaennie x Chaehyun) "EDITING"Where stories live. Discover now