Chapter 11

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After the incident in the PCY mall, Jennie became sweeter each day. For ten years, I live like I'm missing something because I lost Jennie, our friendship, and I'm afraid that she will leave again when she remembers everything, but I can't bear pretending to be her lover anymore especially I have my own family now. So far she's not pushing me to make love to her, I just can't.

Jennie started her training to come back as the CEO of Kim Corp. and everything is currently going smoothly, and she still didn't remember new old memories. Moreover, I just finished calling Mr. Bae when Jennie called me to meet her in the PCY restaurant with her friends, Yeri is treating us to dinner. 

As I arrive at the PCY restaurant, I saw Jennie and her friends looking at me like observing how would I react in the PCY restaurant's interior, when in fact I'm the one who designed it. I sighed as I entered the place, but on my way, I heard someone running.

"Chipmunk!!!!" I looked at the woman in horror who hugged me and kissed my face multiple times because I know that they are watching us.

"What the actually fuck, Limario, Jennie is here with her bitchy friends," I gritted my teeth while smiling. And Lisa immediately pulled off and widen her eyes.

"shit, I thought Jisoo invited you too, she's here. I'm sorry," Lisa said as I can see tears forming in her eyes because of fear.

"Come on, Lis, It's okay," I said and kissed her forehead, and she giggled. I don't care if they are watching, Lisa is my family too. They don't know anything about me because I'm good at hiding, I have nothing to worry about.

I walked to Jennie and her friend's table, as I saw their jaw left hanging. All of them stand up and bow, I'm confused why.

"Ms. Lisa Manoban, It's nice to see you here," all of them said, even Jennie. I turn my body and saw Lisa at my back.

I groan as I look at Lisa. Look at these people, they respect the rich people but insult the poor.

"Why did you follow me?" I said.

"I want to meet your friends," Lisa chuckled.

"And why?"

"I'm Lisa Manoban," Lisa smiled at the others,

"We know, everyone knows you Ms. Manoban, you tied with Ms. Kim Jisoo as the third richest in the country, you are known as the people who climb up into the ladder in only five months," Nayeon said. "And you both work in the PCY group,"

"Wow, that's a lot," Lisa laughed.

"Yes, and how did you know Chaeyoung here?" Jennie said.

"Uh, Chaeyoung and I are schoolmates before she dropped out, but I really want her to be my friend," Lisa said. "Anyway, I need to go now, I have meeting," 

Lisa hugged me once again and whispered, "I love you, be careful with those fake people," 

"I love you too,"

I sat down awkwardly, and It is silent after Lisa left but I can hear them whispering to each other. the foods came and we started to eat, while Jennie looks so Jealous but I know she's trying to understand. I just held her hands to comfort her.

"So, Chaeyoung, did you slept with Ms. Manoban," Joy seriously said and I choked, I felt Jennie's hands tapping at my back and offered me water.

"Oh my god," Yeri widen her eyes. "You did?"

"No!" I said while coughing.

"I can't believe that you only seduce rich people," Nayeon said but I didn't speak anymore.

"Is she single?" Joy asked.

"No, she has a girlfriend," I plainly said and I saw Jennie loosen up and sighed like she is glad to hear my answer.

I faced Jennie and whispered "Look Jennie, She's my family, I want you to learn how to accept that I have other people in my life now and it's just our secret, okay?" and Jennie nodded. "Thank you," I added and kissed her temple as we heard someone clearing their throat.

"Is she your sugar mommy?" Joy asked me.

"Joy, Lisa will never do that. And why are you attacking me?" I pouted. "Don't tell me that you are jealous because Lisa wants to be my friend? "

"You are good at manipulating people, are you?" Joy said. "I'll not be surprised if I hear that she is your financer. But Lisa is a busy person, she is so hard to reach so, maybe I'm wrong too. Oh no, you also have Jennie,"

"Guys, stop it." Jennie said which surprised everyone, it's the first time, "Don't insult chaeyoung, especially in front of me. I'm afraid, you will lose me after this," she coldly said to her friends.

"I'm sorry," Her friends said in unison as I mouthed thank you to Jennie.

While eating Jennie's friends talked about life, only Yeri knew about Sana, Jennie's girlfriend. So, except for Yeri, the rest are trying to reminisce about those people who flirted with Jennie and that they like for her, and as I can observe, Jennie is not comfortable with the topic and she's always looking at me with worry, but I'm squeezing her hands and tell her that I'm okay.

After dinner, Jennie bought me flowers and milk and chocolate which is what I always buy for her before. I can feel that she is doing her best to make it up to me.

"J, if you are doing this out of guilt, I want you to stop now," I said while putting the flowers in the vase.

I felt Jennie's arms wrapped around my waist, back hugging me. she kissed my shoulder, and said, "It's not guilt, love. I just want you to feel what I felt before every time you buy me chocolate and milk. I want to take care of you too, I'm so harsh to you and so possessive, I don't want to lose you again, Chaeyoung. I may forget it, but thinking that you left is killing me. You are my best friend and you came into my life and completed my world, we've been through a lot and I can't imagine giving up on us. It's okay with me that I will lose you as my lover but I can't lose you as my best friend. Even if it hurts me, I will understand you." Jennie sobbed as I faced her.

As I can remember, I waited for Jennie to talk to me again as her best friend but she just disappeared. When she decided to leave me as her lover, she also left me as her best friend.

"These past few days, you taught me how to understand the situation even if it's so hard. I hated you for leaving me, but I can't just hate you, especially since I can't remember everything. I don't want to remember, love. I think I cannot take it, chae"

I smiled at her while caressing her face, "J, thank you for trying to understand, I don't want to change you, but thank you for slowly changing to become better."

"I will never let anyone insult you anymore, Chae. I will do better in my training in our company and I will save money so no one can separate us anymore, as your lover or as your best friend, I just can't let you go anymore," 



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