Chapter 4

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Here we go again. I am meeting my ex-lover, who suddenly loves me again. I groan hearing Mrs. Kim talking to her assistant about business.

"Did we get the project in PCY Group?" Mrs. Kim excitedly said. "Okay! Thank You! You can go home early today to prepare for the designs for the project,"

"Hey, Mrs. Kim, you look so happy," I mockingly said. I told Lisa to accept the JKim Corporation in the project to design for our new hotel because I've been secretly helping Jennie's company. After all, she deserves it; the design that Jennie passes before she lost her memory is a good one. Jisoo and Lisa know that I'm professional in business, and I will not accept a deal without 100 times checking it.



I intertwined my hands with Jennie's, and she's pouting like a baby, I gave her a peck, and she's startled and slapped my arms, and she looked around if anyone saw what I did.

"Why did you do that, love? What if someone saw us?" Jennie pouted,

"then they'll know that your pouting lips are mine; why are you even pouting? It's inviting me to taste it," I said, which made her blush.

"Don't do that again," She sternly said and I sigh, she's hiding me. Everyone knew us as best friends and no one ever thought that we are together.

"Anyway, why are you pouting, princess," I smiled at her.

"I don't know what I want to be someday, my Mom is pressuring me to take over the company because I'm the only child,"

"you love designing right? And I heard your business is related to designing, so why don't you pursue arts, and use it for your business," I said, and she widens her eyes.

"But I'm not good enough, chae; there are a lot of people out there who are way better than me,"

"Practice makes it worth it, baby, and no matter what happens, Nini, I will support you in achieving your dream, Promise, I will help you; I know that time will help you become better with your designs, I know because I saw your notebook, and I already love it,"

End of flashback


I'm so glad that she chose her path, and here I am, granting my promise.

"Well, rich will continue becoming rich while poor will continue becoming poor," Mrs. Kim smirked, and I internally laughed. What the fuck is that even mean.

Don't get me wrong. I'm secretly helping Jennie because even if she abandoned me as everyone did. She still once became my world and helped me survive; maybe I'm already dead without her. Jennie gave me life, and I owe her one. But I don't love romantically anymore. She's just a friend.

"Hey, Love," Jennie excitingly looks at me but changes to a sad face when she notices my confused look. "I forgot, I'm sorry," I'm still not used to her calling me love again; it's awkward.

I sighed and wrapped my arms around Jennie for a second and immediately unwrapped my arms, but she groaned and pulled me for a tighter hug.

"Please, don't let go," Jennie whispered. "I know you don't love me anymore, but please,"



"I want to hug you," I said and wrapped my arms around Jennie catching her off guard

"5 seconds!" she said while looking at her watch. "Now! get off of me!"

"1 minute, please," I beg while burying my head to her neck, releasing tears.

"I can't chae; Mom is looking for me, and we are already done. Please, Chae, how many times do I have to tell you to stop chasing me," Jennie push away from the hug and left me crying.

end of flashback


"Don't cry, Nini. I hate seeing you hurt," I said, disregarding all the pain she caused me. Seeing tearing coming out of her eyes is hurting me. I hate seeing people crying.

"Can you try acting like we are still together? Until I recover. Can you do that for me, chae?" Jennie pouted.

"Cute," I giggled, "Okay, Fine, J. Just don't fall in love too much," and she rolled her eyes.

I'm telling her stories and jokes. We are laughing together and acting like how we used to.

"Chae, You're so beautiful,"

"I know, J. Stop repeating it,"

"I love you so much, love," Jennie said and regretted it afterward.

"Why? do you doubt your love for me?" I laughed.

"No! It's just that, I'm afraid that you don't say it back, but can you say it back even if you don't mean it?" Jennie sadly said.


"I know, Don't mind it, I know. you already left me, right? and here I am begging you to lie to me that you still love me; I'm sorry," She cried. "I just feel so stuck; I'm so in love with you while you are now ten years fully moved on from me,"



"Can you try saying that you love me, even if you don't mean it? Maybe you will mean it eventually and love me again," I said while she's rolling her eyes at me.

"Here you are again, Chae; it's been two years! You are still here! chasing like a lost puppy," Jennie laughed at me, mockingly tapping my back

"Jennie, I'm so in love with you; how can you fall out of love? You promised me that you would never leave me," I cried in front of her.

"You need to move on, Chae,"

"I feel so stuck, being hopelessly in love with you, while you are fully moved on from me that fast," I sobbed.

"I'm tired of your drama, Chae. I don't want to see your face again, understood? I can never love you again; I don't want to be with you anymore; please Move on," Jennie said, leaving me again.

End of flashback


"No, no, shh. please stop crying, Jen." I said, playing the wrong card.

I calmed her down and kissed her, and she kisses me back passionately, tasting the lips that I begged to kiss me back before.

We catch our breath as I felt the pangs in my heart while she's smiling at me widely and looking at me lovingly.

Jennie intertwined our hands and kissed them while saying, "I love you, Chaeyoung, I will never leave and hurt you," the exact words she always tells me before breaking my heart.

But I found myself kissing her again, maybe because I got used to kissing and fucking people without meaning it before. I can play this wrong card. I can pretend that I love her because my looks can be deceiving; as I said earlier, I can show intimacy without meaning it.

"I love you too, Jennie," I said. We enjoyed our time together, forgetting about the past.

Gone (Chaennie x Chaehyun) "EDITING"Where stories live. Discover now