Chapter 5

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We ask why did we end up like this for every fail relationship, why did our relationship fell out. Is it me, you, or both of us. 

After years of pursuing Jennie to love me back again, I realized that all my effort is directly going to waste because it's one-sided. I got tired of working things out alone. Seeing her being mad at me scared me the most, and for all those years, that is what hunts me, her cat-eyed with full of anger when looking at me.

What did I do to make her angry at me. She left me without making me understand why; she only said that she fell out of love and done. 

Being with Jennie that so in love with me when we are in our 17th, makes me feel light again because my best friend came back. When she left, I am left alone because I have no one while we are together. If you are wondering why I don't have anyone, because all my time, I'm with Jennie, and she is the jealous type, so I need to distance myself to others, or I will meet the angry cat-eyed. 

While I met Lisa and Jisoo when I was in college, I trusted them, and after a year, they made me open up to them; the big revelation is Jisoo is Jennie's cousin. No grudge or hate cause I learned to love them as my family.

"What are you thinking, love?" Jennie gave me a peck and smile at me, and I subconsciously rolled my eyes in front of her. It's been a week since we got back together. She asked me to be her girlfriend again, and I can't say no. She has this power to make me say yes because I can't hurt her. But no, I didn't say yes or no for some reason. Technically, we are not together.

"You're hurting me," she awkwardly smiles, and I sigh.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, love, I'm just tired and thinking of something; I love you," I immediately kiss her, and she stands up, pulling me to go somewhere.

"Love! You are still recovering! Where are you taking me," I groan while she shushes me.

"Rooftop," She smiles while pulling me to the stairs. I sigh, seeing her walking up already.

"Stop there, J" I looked at her seriously as she pouted; I walked in front of her and kneel, signing her to ride at my back. It's bringing me back memories.

"For me, It's only days since I rode in your back; for you, it's been years. Do you still remember when I asked you to ride my back, but you didn't like it because you are afraid to break my bones. After all, you are taller than me," She laughed while I stay in silent.

"I love you, Park Chaeyoung, I'm so in love with you, don't leave me again," 

"I love you too, J,"  I said as we reach the rooftop. "Wow, It's beautiful here, breathtaking," I chuckled while inhaling the fresh air.

"There's a lot of change, and I don't know how I will catch up with this unfamiliar place," Jennie cried.

"Baby, don't cry. Are you willing you trust me in this unfamiliar place?" I caressed her face and wiped her tears using my thumb.

"As long as I'm with you," She kissed me softly, and I smiled as she pulled me for a deeper kiss. I moaned between kisses. "I want you, chae," she cupped my butt and pushed me to the corner, crashing my back at the wall as she kisses my jaw.

I felt my heart beat fast.

Oh no

I think I found my heart again.



I pushed her to the wall in a public place, but no one can see us. I kissed her neck and cupped her breast as she moans that's releasing the beast inside me.

"I want you, Jennie, I know you want this too," I smirked, but I received two heavy slaps.

"You're delusional chaeyoung if you think that this will make me come back to you, pathetic,"

End of Flashback


Jennie suddenly stopped and looked at me worriedly, "Why are you crying, love? I'm sorry for taking advantage,"

"I'm crying?" I said and put my hands in my eyes, feeling the tears that are continuously coming out from my eyes.

"Oh, that's not what you think, Jen; my eyes have a problem; it always happens," I smiled; I didn't lie though because sometimes my eyes hurt and I can't stop the tears, but these are tears that she caused me. She hurt me so bad that my body can't deny the pain.

"Plus, let's not do it here, love, we are in Public; we'll do it when you got out of here," I assured her, "I missed you," I whispered. I miss my heart, I found it, but it is still broken.

"Okay, then tell me something about yourself, Chae. What is your work? Did you become a civil engineer?" she giggled. Damn.

"Hmm, I don't work, Jennie, but I'm always at the volunteer center. I didn't finish my degree 'cause I'm lazy."

"If you don't work, then how are you living? And I know you are not even in the middle class, but why didn't you finish your degree?! that's your dream, Chae, and you just wasted the remaining money your grandparents left you. If you didn't leave maybe we are working together now," She stomped away to face the buildings.

It's not my dream, Jen. I just wanted to build your ideas, but then I realized that I could do that without finishing the degree because I'm already rich. And I told you, Jen, that if I become an engineer, it means I chose you. But you left me, and when I decided to move on, I left things that are related to you. It means I'm serious about moving on. I wish I can say this to you.

I walked in front of her and hugged her while she was massaging her temple.

"Let's say that I have sugar mommy who finances me," I winked,

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" she pushed me as I laughed so hard,

"I'm kidding, Jen. I work in my house, I do bookkeeping, and it is enough for me to live, sometimes sell goods for donation," I said; I don't do bookkeeping, but I sometimes check my business when I want to. I can think of innovations just by looking and touching, and when I have an idea, I will make a proposal. But most of the time I do charity work.

"Mom told me that I'm the CEO of Kim's corp, and I'm handling the designs. Do you want to work for me?" Jennie said.

"You can't work as a CEO for now, Jen, not until you remember, and you need to retake the training if you can't wait for your memory to come back, but your design never changes; you can work on that," I said. "And Jen, I'm happy with what I'm doing, I can't take your offer," because I don't need a job, I'm too lazy for that. 

"You're so stubborn!" she's mad.

"Don't you love me anymore? Would you still love me even if I'm not rich? Would you still accept me?" I said.

I saw her massaging her temple again and looking around, and she passed out in front of me.


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