Chapter 10

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After I talked to my Hyun, and after Mrs. Kim bid goodbye to us, Jennie asked me who I called, and I hate lying, so I didn't answer her.

"Is that one of your mistress now?" Jennie said, raising her eyebrow, but I don't have the energy to deal with her possessiveness.

"J, please stop asking those kinds of questions," I sigh as I wrapped my arms around her. I want to help her; I will help her control her possessiveness for her girlfriend. This is the mistake that I made before; I tolerated her attitude because I liked it; I like how she only wants me for her because it made me feel safe. After all, I know that she will never let me go, but I'm wrong.

"Is it, Chae? because all I know, I'm the only one you talk to when we are together, you focus on me and not minding your phone,"

"I don't have a mistress, but I have other people that I love with me now, Jen. Please understand, J, ten years have passed,"

"Yes, ten years that you left me." Jennie blurted, but I only sigh, be patient, Chaeyoung.

Jennie made me believe that she only loves me, made me believe that she will never hurt and leave me and that I hold onto that promise of her. 

In the end, it destroyed me inside and out. I almost went crazy.

"what do you mean almost?!"  I chuckled internally

"Chaeyoung, you're fine, everything is fine now," 

"We'll do you remember when you are so drenched in the rain and she never shows up, dude, you're so martyr,"

"I know right," I told my inner voice while smirking because It doesn't hurt me anymore.



"Chaeyoung, Dad told me that It's raining there, please come home now," Hyun said on the other line,

"They said Jennie is here, I'm waiting for her, she won her design competition. Thank you for always looking for me, Hyun," I painfully smile while letting the rain shower my body, and before Hyun can speak, I disconnected the call.

I messaged Jennie while I'm waiting for her,

"Congratulation Jennie, I always know that you can do it; I will wait for you here in front of the building, my treat. I love you."

"Love, I'm still outside, waiting for you; please let's talk, Jennie."

"Jennie, I'm still here, please,"

"Jennie, always remember that I'm always proud of you; I can't wait to see you,"

I flooded her messages and waited for four hours until it was dark. I painfully smiled as I can feel my feet weaken but I still waited. After another hour a car stopped in front of me.

I feel so empty as I saw a beautiful woman come out of the car, crying, and hugged me,

"I told you to come home!" She cried,

"You'll get wet, Hyun," I plainly said.

"You always make me worry, Rosie!" when Hyun calls me Rosie, it's either she's mad, or she's happy or lovely.

"You don't have to travel from another city just to fetch me, Hyun," I said, but she only cried; she knows me very well.

"You see, Hyun; I'm a mess. Will you still stay?" I bitterly chuckled

"I will never leave you, Rosie," she said sincerely while cupping my face.

"She told me that too, I did everything to be perfect for her, but still she left. How can you not leave me, when the Almost Perfect chaeyoung is rejected and left by someone she loves, what more this worst Chaeyoung, you will leave me too when you get tired," I said,

Gone (Chaennie x Chaehyun) "EDITING"Where stories live. Discover now