Chapter 34

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Chaeyoung's POV

After articulating my mind, solving puzzles in my head, all my love is bursting tears for all I know. How can I fall in love with my sister? My first love and hoping to be my last. After recollecting all my memories with Jennie, and all Alice said, all I can conclude is, it's not real.

"I don't believe you," I dryly said.

"Roseanne," Alice seriously looked at me.

"You're just telling this because of your hate for Mrs. Kim, because you had a hard life living in Australia because of her," I painfully smile.

"No, I'm telling you the truth, Rosé. I've been with them when I was young." She looked at me like she is telling the truth.

"Then I will confront Mrs. Kim!"

"Don't, Roseanne," Alice gripped my hands as I walk away. "Please, don't let her find us again. Please, trust me with this,"

"So, you will just expect me to let Jennie go when I fully admit my feelings for her?" I sighed. "We really don't have a chance, are we?"

"After all, we are still best friends, and we have June," I mockingly said while rolling my eyes.

"I'm sorry, Rosé" she tapped my back as I walk away and wave my hands.

Knowing that the woman you love so much is your sister, the woman you imagine spending your life with. It's like I am slapped in my face, left and right.

I restlessly called my security and asked him to investigate everything about Mrs. Kim. I will never forgive Mrs. Kim if this is real. But she didn't expect that her daughter and I fell in love with each other. But Still!

Jennie is almost two years older than me.

My parents hid me for an unexplainable reason, and Mrs. Kim doesn't know that I exist. Oh gosh, I'm so done with a complicated life. When will the world end again? Cause please, I want to go first if this is real.

I feel like blacking out anytime after processing everything, but the next thing I know.

I'm here again.

my safe haven


I knocked on the door and saw June open it.

"Mom!" I felt my daughter's arm wrapped around me. "I thought you would get me tomorrow?"

I fake smile at her, and I saw Jennie worriedly asked June to wait for us in the living room, as she grabbed my hand and pulled to her room and lock it.

"What's wrong?" Jennie sighed.

"I missed you," I said, trying not to show the forming tears in my eyes.

"I love you, Jennie,"

"I know, but I know you, Chaeng," Jennie kissed my forehead. "Tell me,"

"Hmmm, It's nothing. Anyway, I'm wondering, you never mentioned your Dad to me. Where is he?" I asked. Obviously, she doesn't know. Gosh, Roseanne.

But there's a chance that Mrs. Kim told her. But what would she tell Jennie? That she had an affair with a Married Man?

"Oh, I never knew my Dad. And Mom doesn't talk about him, I don't even know his name," Jennie hummed. "What's with it?"

Sisters. Do I have this strong feeling towards you because we are sisters? Is it why I'm so comfortable when I'm with you?

"I remember before, Dad doesn't talk to me that much, he never shown care to me. It's always Mom who loves me, who cares for me. But they all left. I am left alone. You're so lucky, that you have your Mom. The only family you've got." I wiped my tears as I faced her seriously, "But you now also have us. We are family, now. You, Me, Lisa, Jisoo, Dad Bae and June,"

"What's with you today, love?"

I sobbed and pulled her close, "I'm just so happy that we will never be away each other again, because we are family,"

"Okay?" Jennie chuckle. "You're the queen of drama, you know?"

"Yeah," I smiled. "Oh, I should go to Jisoo's Room," I bid her goodbye and also kissed my daughter, telling her that I love her so much and went to Jisoo.

"Rosie, Alice told us," Jisoo's apologetic look gave a pang in my heart. Alice and Lisa are not here, so; I'm so comfortable expressing my feelings. It would be awkward asking this to Jisoo while Alice is here.

"You are Jennie's cousin, right? can you ask your Mom and Dad about Jennie's Dad?" I asked Jisoo, but she only looked down.

"We are from the other city, Rosie. Jennie is not really my cousin. My Dad is already dead, and Mom married another man, which is Mrs. Claire Kim's cousin, that is why they are saying that we are family," Jisoo shyly said.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know, chu,"

"It's fine." She sat down on her sofa, 

"I don't really know much about Mrs. Kim, because she is also mysterious. No one even knows who is Jennie's father and who's the man Mrs. Kim marries."

"But I heard from my Step-Dad that Mrs. Kim is very kind and lovely back then, but one day, she disappeared and got married in another city, but the man died, so she came home."

"While Chloe and Charles Park just came back from Australia, her college friends, to start a business because the Park's are already losing money, but what happened is they had some issues. So, Mrs. Kim started the business on her own and came up to the ladder within a year. But things happened again, Mrs. Kim disappeared again, and Chloe and Charles Park with their daughter Alice suddenly disappeared too,"

"when Mrs. Kim came back she becomes a whole different person, and after years, she reveal that she has a daughter,"

I was about to say something because that's a lot! But my phone rang, "Ms. Park, I'm outside, I have all the information about Mrs. Kim," I asked him to wait for me and ended the call.

"Thank you, Jisoo for telling me all of this, I'm about to figure it out now," I said and bid her goodbye, "Please, take care of my Sister,"

"Ms. Park," my private investigator said as he hands over files to me inside my car.

"Okay, speak," I said.

"Claire, Charles, and Chloe are best friends during college. Charles and Chloe only got married because they accidentally made, Alice. But According to my source, there relationship is a one sided love, but since Chloe got pregnant, they have no choice," He said. One-sided? my Dad doesn't love my Mom? So since they are best friends, Dad is in love with Mrs. Kim all along.

My investigator told me exactly what Jisoo just told me, "Everyone says that Charles and Claire had an affair. And I saw a complaint against Charles Park for rape and kidnapping but they have nothing to do because the Parks completely disappeared,"

"So, Dad kidnapped Mrs. Kim, and raped her?" I shallowed. Maybe Mrs. Kim filed it because she can't accept that Dad chose her family, her wife. Maybe Mrs. Kim wants to take revenge for hurting her.

"Yes, but there is something more to it," he said and asked me to look at the file.

Mrs. Kim has a daughter, and the father's name that is listed there is Jung Kim.

Yes. It's Claire Kim's husband. Jennie is not my sister!

I widely smiled, but I saw my investigator playing with his hands.

"There's more, Ms. Park," he said.

I flipped the paper, and my eyes widen. I froze in my place as I felt cold around me.

Jennie is Mrs. Kim's firstborn.

"I'm the second." I nervously said.

"Claire Kim is my real Mom," 

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