Chapter 29

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Chaeyoung POV

All the way, I let myself be frozen in my seat regretting how I treated Jennie earlier until we arrive at Jisoo's condo.

I forgot that Jennie lives in the same building. So, maybe June is in her room or just wandering around. I can't tell because June loves to explore; well, she got it from me.

I was entering the building, and it is giving me some memories of the day Hyun died.



I lost my wife; I can't think very well. The next thing I know is I'm entering an elevator while trying to stop the pain and the tears forming in my eyes. And I found myself knocking on someone's door.

"She's dead," I swallowed, "and gone," finally releasing all the tears that I'm holding.

"Shhh," She wrapped her arms around me, and I felt tears wetting my shirt.

Of all the problems, Jennie is the only person left that I can go to. Every time I have issues, I think of Jennie, but I always ran to Hyun. Now I directly ran to her because Hyun is gone. I don't know how I will survive this anymore, but Jennie helps me calm without saying or doing anything; just seeing her comforts me.

End of flashback


I shrugged and let myself maintain my stern look. It's been a long time since I saw Jisoo and Lisa because I can't face them. I've been running away from everyone since the day I lost Hyun.

I knock and enter Jisoo's code, and I cough at what I'm seeing in front of me. 

What a best way to meet my sister? I covered my eyes and said, "I'll listen to your explanation,later,"

"Rosie," Jisoo panicked as she's trying to cover herself and my sister. "You've been away for three years, and we can't tell you because you are busy, and we are considering your situation,"

"Rosie?" Alice froze in her place, "Are you Roseanne Park? You looked like Dad, and I can feel that you're my sister," she cried. "I've been looking for you," 

" And I saw you in the media; you married the Irene Bae," she added.

"Hey, sis, nice to finally meet you," I smiled while my sister looked at Lisa and Jisoo badly, "Lisa?" I looked at Lisa, who's hiding beside Alice.

"YeYeah?" Lisa stutter.

"I can't believe you guys," I rolled my eyes as I throw their clothes to them. "change, I'll wait. We need to talk,"

I can't imagine that for three years, there are a lot of changes around me. Maybe getting out of my comfort zone is a good decision. I've been hiding from the box, and I'm so busy with myself and my family that I forgot to care about the others. As long as my family and I are okay, and my workers and company are okay, then I will be okay. 

Now, I want some changes. I will use my fame and name for the greater good. I will inspire people, promote respect regardless of your social status; I will become a role model, not as a gold digger, but as a well-known philanthropist. 

"Roseanne, can we talk?" Alice said as she goes out of Jisoo's room after an hour. And I saw my two best friends looking sad while coming out from the same room. Well, I heard them arguing inside the room while waiting, but most of what I heard is Lisa begging for Alice's forgiveness and Jisoo saying her apology for not telling Alice about me.

"Later," I said. "I want some changes," I seriously looked at Jisoo.

"Do you want to reveal yourself?" Jisoo said, and I seriously laughed.

"One day, chu. But I want you to be the CEO of Bae Corp. It will be PCY- Bae Corporation," I said and faced Alice, "And please announce the change on position, Alice will be the Vice-Chairman of PCY Group,"

"Who are you to do that?" Alice raised her eyebrow.

"I'm PCY," I smirked. "It's my Park Chaeyoung Group," and there, My lovely sister widens her eyes.

"Yo-you?! You're my benefactor? Oh gosh. I owed my life to you," She whispered.

"No, you don't owe me anything, Alice. I want you to take care of our company,"


"Of course, You're my sister," I hugged her, "Welcome to the top richest, Sis,"

"I can't," Alice stands up. "I don't deserve this Roseanne, we abandoned you! And I can't do anything,"

"That's it. You can't do anything. But now you can. Please accept it Alice," I plainly said. "But either you like it or not, I will appoint you. Plus you are free to meet your niece," I said.

"But," Alice is cut off by Jisoo.

"Babe, Don't worry, you have us," Jisoo patted her back.

I groaned, hearing the endearment between the two. I can't believe that my two best friends are sharing my sister.

"What are you, seriously?" I looked at them seriously.

"We are in a relationship," Jisoo said.

"Like throuple," Lisa added.

"And you liked it?" I said to Alice.

"I love them equally," Alice blushed, "Romantically,"

"But about the niece part. You have a child?"

"I do,  it's June, I heard that you bond a lot, she knows you," I said.

She dryly laughed, "Thank you, I'm playing with June without knowing that she's my niece and I'm sorry for everything,"

"It's all done now,"

I stand up and face Jisoo and Lisa, "Look, I don't know how your relationship works, and I can't ask you not to hurt my sister, because sometimes we can't avoid that but please make her happy,"

I walked to the balcony to breathe some fresh air. I remembered how I acted in front of Jennie. I feel like shit. I've been reading self-help books and going to therapies because I don't know what's happening to me for the past few years, but I came home now because I feel okay, and I'm ready to get back on track.

I tried to reminisce about my time with Hyun for hours and I'm always talking to her, "How's my wife?" I looked at the sky, "I scared Jennie today; I'm still a mess, Hyun,"

"You're not a mess," I turned around and saw Alice sat on the balcony.

"Jisoo and Lisa told me everything while you are here. You're not a mess, Rosé, You are just hurt. Specially you lost your comfort zone, but you still have us. Sometimes, losing our comfort zone and being in a unfamiliar place makes us stranger of ourselves, and it can make us crazy because of the discomfort. But try to appreciate the other people around you,"

"I know, Alice. That's why I left. I can't depend on someone else again; I came home because I'm ready to face all of you. But still, I feel like, I can't change that sudden, I still have that part of me,"

"Then try to depend on all of us that you consider as your family, don't depend on only one person,Rosie,"

"I will," I smiled. "Thank you, Alice. But believe me, I'm trying,"

Silence and the sound of fresh air is hitting us. "Why did you become a Lawyer, Alice?"

Alice fixed herself and said, "Rosé, you need to know something,"

"We left you for a reason. No one knows your existence, Rosé." She started. I remembered how Mom and Dad left me and always fought in front of me. But no one knows my existence, haha; I've been living that way.

"Mom and Dad just want to protect you,Roseanne,"

"From who?" I seriously asked because they just left me and I've been asking why.

"From Claire Kim of Kim's Corporation," Alice gritted her teeth.


Gosh, I miss Chaehyun :3

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