Chapter 6

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"Love!" I shouted while and Immediately carried her at my back and run to the stairs

I hope I'm not late, she's breathing, but I can't feel it, what did I do.

After hours I held her hand until Jennie woke up looking at me. "Love, what happened?"

"You passed out, J; you made me worry," I kissed her temple.

The doctor said that she got exhausted walking to the stairs; even if I carried her, she still used her energy.

"Don't do that to me again, okay? please?" I sobbed

"I'm hoping that you love me again because you are afraid to lose me," Jennie smirked,

Should I lie? No

"I'm afraid to lose you; you don't deserve this," I said.

"But you left me, can't you do that again? don't leave me," She pleaded, 

"It depends on you, J," I said, "Please, stop being stubborn,"

I'm worried because that is my nature to people who became part of my life, I don't care, but some part of me cares. And when that part of me cares if looks so genuine. 

"I will not let you leave," Jennie giggled.

I heard the door open, welcoming Mrs. Kim; she pulled me and slapped me.

"You trash! are you killing my daughter! You didn't change! You are still a fucking bad influence on my daughter! You know that she's still recovering, and you are bringing her on the rooftop. Are you insane? Do you have a brain? You're still selfish, Chae. What would I expect with trash, who can't even buy her own house," Mrs. Kim shouted, and I looked at Jennie, who didn't intervene.

What will I expect? Jennie never defended me to anyone, and she's always letting other people hurt me. And I'm kind or dumb enough to let it slide.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Kim, for being reckless; it won't happen again," I said as Mrs. Kim walked out while Jennie stands up and only caressed my face without saying anything.

For fuck sake, I'm tired of always taking all the blame. This is why I hated explaining because it's a waste of time; I wish I didn't go on the rooftop with her. After 8 years, I didn't expect to feel the same shit again. And I hate that as long as Jennie is beside me, everything will be okay because that's my nature when it comes to her. Everything fades away when I see her.

Jennie's mind is 17 years old; I should understand; she's not aware that she can defend me now because she's old enough to make her own decision and not be afraid of her Mom.

"I love you, Chae; I'm sorry. I'm afraid that she breaks us apart if I speak," Jennie said. This woman is the person I loved, the person who loves me so much, not the person who left me.

"It's okay, Love. Don't stress yourself too much. The doctor said that you need to rest; I want you," I choked for no reason while she blushed, " healthy," I continued.

"I thought you want me," she winked,

"You're such a flirt, Ms. Kim," 

she didn't ask about my life after the break-up, and she didn't ask me if I'm in a relationship. She just claimed me as hers, as she always does. She's so possessive that I can't just look on my left and right because she will act like a dragon when she sees my eyes land on other people. 

I feared her before, but now, not anymore. She doesn't know me anymore, and I don't know the Jennie who left me, but being with this Jennie I know is bringing back the Chaeyoung that I know.

Going back to the main Issue,

Yes, It's my fault because I didn't stop her.

It's my fault.



Jennie pulled me inside her car and drove fast.

"Love, we still have classes; where are we going?" I said, but she only gave me a smirk.

"Love, seriously! we can't skip class, you know that I'm running honors and you need to take your study seriously; how can we have a better future if we skip classes," I groan as she stops in front of my apartment. She just got her student license and now taking advantage of it.

She pulled me inside and locked the door, pushing me to my bed and kissing me hungrily. 

"We'll go back after the next class, don't overreact. I want you," she said seductively and kissed me again while I'm collecting my energy to push her, but she was strong.

"Love, you still need to fix your grades; you can't fail, you know that," I groan as she's doing her thing to me, and I can feel that I'm near. 

"Shut up, and do me now so that we can go back faster," she said, and I did what she wanted.

But we fell asleep after that. It was already dark, and I woke up without her beside me, but she left a message telling me that she needs to go home because her Mom is looking for her.

We just skipped class. I shook my head in disappointment because she always does this to me, and we always end up going to class late, but this time, we crossed the line. 

The next day, I saw Yeri waving at me, "Chaeyoung, our professor called Mrs. Kim yesterday, she knows that you are together, she knows your relationship, but waiting for Jennie to tell her,"

"Jennie won't tell her Mom, She can't," I sigh, "I need to go now, Yeri, thank you for telling me,"

I walked as I passed by the group of people, Jennie's friends looking at me while whispering something that I can hear; our relationship is only known by her friends and us, while everyone thinks that we are only best friends who grew up together.

"She's a bad influence to you, Jennie," Nayeon said. "She's using you, Jennie, you know that she's a rat, and you are hella rich,"

"She's always getting you late in the class, and now you just skipped," Joy rolled her eyes "she's bad news, Jen."

Jennie didn't see me, but then, she never said a word. She didn't defend me from her friends. I feel like I'm the bad guy.

"Jennie wanted it too," Yeri finally said; she the only person that is close to me in their group, but still, her loyalty relies on her group and not me,

"Still, if Chae didn't push Jennie to do that, Jennie will not go; she knows that Jennie's grades are declining, but she chose her own selfishness," Joy said.

Jennie just laughed, "It's okay, let's go, our class will start soon,"

I wanted to be loved, not because I'm the richest person in the country. I want to be respected without knowing my real identity. But this world is different.

Maybe It's my fault because I didn't do my best to stop Jennie.

I'm a bad influence on her.

It's my fault

End of Flashback


"It's not your fault," 

 "I can't lose you again, Chae, this is a trap,"

"But she needs me," I said

"Your decision, just be careful,"

"You're being dumb again, of course, you will choose her over your mental health,"

"Help me," I cried internally.

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