Chapter 25

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Chaeyoung POV

I woke up in the morning with all the news that is spreading all over the country.

"Jennie Kim, the young Ceo of Kim's Corporation and the famous model of Chanel is seen in the PCY hospital,"

"Jennie Kim has a child according to a reporter who overheard from a doctor that Jennie's daughter is suffering from a gunshot,"

"Who's the mysterious Kid with Jennie Kim? and why she hid the child? according to those who witnessed that her child is around 8-10 years old,"

I panicked and called the PCY hospital's head without thinking twice.

"This is the Chairman of the PCY Group! Transfer Park Jehyun June in the VVIP room, and please kick all the reporters out! Don't you ever release statement about June's identity, and if I saw June's face in the news, expect that you don't have Job anymore!" I gritted my teeth.

"Jisoo will call you to confirm!" I yelled as I ended the call.

I scrolled on social media to read all people's comment,

"It's not real; Jennie is never seen with a lover before!"

"Oh no, My Nini has a child? How can she pregnant without our notice? I followed Jennie since college,"

" I support Nini, and I want to meet her child too. I hope she shows us her child,"

"This heartbreaking if this is real!"

"I still want Jennie, I'm willing to become the kids another parent,"

I called Lisa to take action deleting all the trends and Blocking the news. I asked Lisa to tell Alice to file a case for those who will continue the news about Jennie and Jehyun. And release a statement that all of it is a baseless rumor.

No one will mess with me. I'm the most powerful woman in this country, and you don't try to mess with my family.

"Ms. Park, I'm sorry, Young miss told us not to call you, but it's all over the news now," June's security called me. "But she's okay now, and we will make sure that the man who's responsible for the gunshot will be rotten in jail," I trust her security; I've been with them since I'm a kid. They also treat June like their own child and also treat me like a family. They respected my privacy and knows their limits.

"I understand, but please make sure that you secure the place; I don't want to see any reporter around PCY Hospital," I said, "I will go there," I ended the call.

I froze when I realized that Hyun is also scrolling all over her phone.

"Hon," Hyun worriedly said while gripping my shirt.

"Love, please, June is fine. Stay here, and we don't want another news to blow up. I will go alone since no one knows me," I kissed her forehead.

"I want to see June. But maybe it's time for you to face Jennie, so as much as I want to sneak out to see my daughter, I will give this time for you to explain to Jennie," Hyun said, and I sighed.

"I will, my love," I bid her goodbye and drove to the PCY hospital.

I entered the VIP room and saw Jennie holding June's hands. She looked at me like she is tired, and you can see in her eyes that she's been crying.

"Jennie," I softly said and waiting for her heavy slap.

But no, she stands up to hug me tight.

"Is it real?" she cried in my shoulder, and I nodded. Jennie pulled away and looked into my eyes.

"Why you said she's Irene's."

"Because she is," I said, "She is a bae; I used her twin brother's sperm cell and your egg cell,"

And there she sobbed, "I'm sorry, Jennie, I'm so desperate before. I really want you back, and I thought having June will bring you back. I'm already pregnant when you run away from home when we lived together. But since I'm so sensitive due to pregnancy, you telling me that I'm so desperate made me decide to hide June from you and finally move on; you broke my heart that day, you fuck me up, and I have June now, I thought that maybe I need to make things right for my daughter,"

"You don't want me, so I thought you don't also want our daughter," I added.

"Our daughter," Jennie whispered while looking lovely at June.

"I. I want to be with you that time," Jennie said and told me everything that Mrs. Kim did for Jennie to do all those horrible things to me.

I felt my bones soften and made my blood boil, Mrs. Kim outed me and destroyed my image in our place, spreading false rumors about me, about how I treat her daughter. I become the crazy, obsessive and possessive person in the mind of people. She is good at manipulating people, and destroying our relationship.

One day, I will take my revenge for destroying us. For now my focus is to tell Jennie what she deserves.

"I told Jehyun June everything, and that kid doesn't hate you. She even stalked you, and surprisingly she made friends with you. June is a good kid, she knows how to love, and she respects you and treats you like her real Mom," I giggled, which made her cry even more. I tapped her back and gave her water.

"She always cheers me up," Jennie chocked, "She knows how to make me feel better, and I always wonder why I feel different whenever I'm with June,"

"Yeah, Because she's your's, our's" I smiled.

"I want to make it up for her, eight years of not being with her," Jennie smiled, "I'm so happy, I may not have you back, but I have our daughter, and that's enough for me. Thank you, Chaeng,"

"You're not mad at me for hiding June?" I raised my eyebrow.

"I'm thankful that you hide, June," Jennie scratches her nape. "Because I can't defend you from Mom, you know what she can do. And If I knew that we have June, I might go crazy and make things worst. But it pains me to do all of those to you, and I regret not seeing June grow up. However, I don't regret that June grows up well with you and Irene's guidance," Jennie's eyes are continuously flowing tears.

"I'm happy that I have my daughter with you, Chaeng. Now, I have to protect her from all the threats; especially we are all over the news."

"About that, don't worry, Hyun and I fixed it," I said.

"Oh, I forgot how powerful the Bae is," Jennie clicked her tongue, "Where is Irene?"

"I asked her not to come because I got tired covering this up," I said. "News might blow up if they saw her enter here, and she told me to explain to you,"

"Irene is always a good person; you are both lucky to have each other," Jennie pushed her head to my neck.

"Yes, We are so lucky to have each other; thank you for not being mad at us. Hyun will be glad," I softly said.

I cleared my throat and kissed her forehead, and said, "I also want to invite you to our wedding in five months; I know that Hyun and June want you there," I painfully smiled.

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