You're mine - sungtaro

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// Request //

Btw before we start, It's gonna be a long one, since i'm lazy to create another part of it so i think it's better to write it in one part-

I write this from the start when shotaro wanting to ask sungchan out and read the rest by yourself

This font is japanese

♪┌|∵|┘♪ ♪┌|∵|┘♪ ♪┌|∵|┘♪ ♪┌|∵|┘♪

Sungchan was walking in his school until someone familiar run to him, "sungchan!!" the japanese boy greet him, sungchan smile at shotaro and greet him back "morning hyung!"

The older look up at sungchan, "you grow more fast after the summer holiday" he pout as they both walks together inside the school. "ah hyungg! I'm not that tall!!"

"Stop lying sungchan! You're tall! even donghyuck looks so small beside you" jeno, their classmate says joining the conversation making hyuck complain as they enter their class together.

"Hey! I'm not short!" hyuck say and run to jeno who's running away from him, shotaro walk to his seat and sit there quietly while looking at the others joking around

Renjun sit on his chair beside shotaro, he look at the japanese boy who's just staring at the others, "hey taro! why you don't hang out with them?" shotaro turn to renjunn and sigh, "jun, can i tell you a secret?"

Renjun tilt his head and answer "of course man! What is it?" shotaro take a deep breath and say quitely "I have a crush on sungchan..But i don't know how to tell him!"

Shotaro quickly close renjun mouth cause right then, sungchan is walking to his seat which is infront of renjun and shotaro.

Renjun remove shotaro's hand from his mouth and try to get the boy's attention who's now staring at his crush. "Yah! shotaro! osaki shotaro!"

Shotaro flinch, he look at renjun, "h-heh? w-w-what is it?" the japanese boy answer making renjun sigh, "well, maybe i can help you"

Shotaro look at renjun with a bright eyes, "really?? You're not joking right??" he answer making the chinese boy scoffed. "you don't trust me?" shotaro quickly shakes is head "no no! i trust you!!" renjun smile, "well i can help you wi-" their teacher enter the class making the other students run to their seats and quickly open their books. "well i will tell you later taro" renjun whisper and quickly paying attention to the teacher.

%% Skip lunch time %%

Shotaro is walking with renjun,jeno and haechan to the cafeteria while talking to each other. "I hate it when summer holiday is finish! I just want to stay playing in the ocean or eating ice cream while traveling!" donghyuck sigh, "oh you like to travel? I thought you're only sleeping the whole holiday" jeno laugh but then he regret it, donghyuck is beating the shit out of him.

Shotaro giggles while renjun sigh, "Guys, stop embarrassing us! You're literally fighting infront of the whole school ugh! Let's just leave them taro" renjun say while walking with shotaro making jeno and donghyuck following them.

They reach the cafeteria, jeno and donghyuck go to buy foods while shotaro and renjun staying while talking to each other, "so about the plan you wanted to say lately? Tell me now injun!" taro says excitedly

"I can help you just by cheering you up!" renjun say with a big smile making shotaro punch him, "hey! I'm asking for real!" renjun giggles "i was just kidding!" suddenly they saw jeno and donghyuck going to their table with sungchan and jisung.

"oh shit.." shotaro whisper, "don't curse, well hey guys!" renjun greet the boys as they sit down, "hey taro hyung! Hey renjun hyung!" sungchan smile amd greet shotaro.

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