Mr.Moon - hyuckil

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Haechan and Taeil birthday special!!!!!!

Yo rare hyuckil stan where r u?

Moondanse show yourself🌙

Sunflower show yourself 🌻

Happy birthday to  our Fullsun!
Happy birthday to our Moon!!

♡ . . . . . . .

Someone's alarm rings on 4.30 am, it's donghyuck's he need to woke up early every Thursday cause the first subject is his favorite.

Or maybe should i say,  the first subject teacher is his favorite.

Donghyuck always find him attractive, many teachers and students try to ask him out but he rejected them.

Donghyuck really want to try asking him out but he's scared, once he gets rejected he won't meet his teacher again cause he's embarrassed.

Donghyuck gets up and walks in the bathroom, after finish he go out and change into school uniform.

He run down stairs and see his older brother mark is making breakfast for them and their other brother jeno, "hey hyung, good morning" donghyuck greet his brother and sat down quickly eating his breakfast fast.

"Mr.Moon's subject huh?" Asked jeno who's watching tv doesn't even think about going to school, "yeah, well atleast i have a reason why i go early to school and don't get detention everyday" haechan say while rolling his eyes at his twin brother.

"You guys! Stop fighting! It's still 5 am!!!" Mark scold them as he sigh, "i really hope mom and dad are here.." hyuck and jeno who hear that quickly hiug their brother, "hyung..It's okay..We are sorry if we're too annoying for you.." jeno say making mark smile.

☆ . . . . . . .

Note : Mark is 20 years old, nohyuck are 18 years old.

First, jeno and hyuck are twin. Jeno is 1 hour older than hyuck.

Their parents die in a plane accident when mark was 14 years old, and both nohyuck are 12 years old.

They still have their uncles taking care of them, but they only pay for their schools and daily bills and come on weekends.

☆ . . . . . .

"Thank you jeno" mark pat his brothers head and push them away gently, "hyuck, it's not even 6 am and you already want to go to school?"

"I want to see mr.Moon first before class" hyuck say making his twin laugh, "why don't you go to his house so both of you can go to school together?"

Hyuck eyes widden, he scream making mark scold him. "Lee donghyuck! It's still 5.35 am!!"

"Oh my god lee jeno, you're so genius for the first time ever." Hyuck quickly take his bag and run out of the house, but before that he give mark a back hug, and give jeno a smack on his head.

"Be back on 1 pm!!" Hyuck scream from outside, he quickly enter his car and go to mr.Moon house. "I'm glad i ask mr.Suh for mr.Moon address" hyuck say while smirking proudly.

After he arrived, he go down and knock on the door. "Mr.Moon? Are you home?" Hyuck knock the door again, until someone open the door.

Someone familiar.

"Good morning mr.Moon!!!!" He say while smiling at how cute his teacher rn, his teacher is still half asleep with hair a little messy and puffy eyes.

'Cute omg my heart'

(Literally me when i watch any taeil video)

"Huh? Haechan? It's still 6 am- why are you here so early?" Mr.Moon ask him and hyuck just keep smiling at him, "let's go to school together mr.Moon!!"

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