pajama party - nosungjae

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"Moan my name baby"

"J-jeno hyung! Argh..J-jaemin hyung!!"

"Fuck h-hyung!! Oh..Erm t-there!"

Jisung moans out as jeno is pounding into him while spanking his ass, on the other side, jaemin is jerking him off.

"O-ouhh..Akh! J-jaemin hyung! it won't f-fit"

Jaemin ignores him as he keep forcing his dick into jisung's poor hole, almost ripping it apart.

God, it feels like heaven.

Jaemin twist jisung's nipples making the boy whines at the pleasure and pain, jeno then pulls out and set his dick up infront of jisung's mouth.

The younger understand making him to open his mouth wide bringing jeno's cock down his throat almost making him choke, jisung cries as he feels himself close.

It feels so good.

Too good to be real


Wait what..?

"Jisungie? Wake up"

Jisung sat up as he looked at jaemin, their eyes met but jisung quickly broke the eyes contact.

He was dreaming? Fuck, his boxer is wet. Jisung groaned as he acted like he's massaging his own neck, his other hand still checking down there is it's a precum or pee.

"Are you okay, jie?"

Jaemin asked him because jisung looks weird right now, i mean..Jisung's always weird for him but this time, he's really weird.

"What do you mean? I'm fine, hyung. Now go, i wanted to take a shower"

"Shower? Really? Who are you? Park jisung never take a shower at 8 AM"

Jisung groaned at the older as he stands up and push him outside of his room, that's until jeno walks into the room making jisung to stopped pushing jaemin.

"What are you doing in here?"

"What do you mean? Can't i enter my friend's room?"

"No. Now get the hell out."

Jisung was about to push jaemin out again but this time, jaemin didn't move making him to bumped on the older's back. The boy whines as he rubbed his nose gently, pouting while looking at jaemin and jeno with his angry but cute face.

"What? Why are you mad at me? I didn't do anything wrong."

Jisung just sigh and shakes his head, he wanted to go back to his bed until jeno picks him up. Jeno walked towards the bed and put jisung there, jisung smiled and wanted to get inside of the blankets but jeno stopped him.

"Do you think we will let you go when you're wearing this kind of clothes?"

Confusing innit? Let's turn back time.


"Oh fuck i'm late for the pajama party"

Jisung quickly takes everything near him and bring it to jeno's house, yes, they're going to have a pajama party. Only the three of them are going, Three? Yes three, don't forget jaemin is also coming.

Jisung ride his bike with sweats coming down through his forehead to his shoulders making the t-shirt he's wearing right now wet, but who cares? He will change later.

After arriving at jeno's house, jisung parked his bike infront of the house and ring the bells. One of the maid opened the door and let jisung in, he smile at her and quickly rush to the movie room.

Opening the door, jisung saw the two boys watching spiderman 2. But he enters at the wrong time, yes, the part where peter and MJ kissed.


Yep, that scream makes the two boys to turns their attention to jisung. Noticing that, he just smile awkwardly while apologizing. He then told his two best friends to continue watch as he change clothes.

"Oh fuck.."

He keep cursing at himself as he looked at the clothes he bring here, jisung walked out of the bathroom and asked jeno if he can borrow some clothes.

"Mhm? I thought you bring your own? Your bag looks full though"

"Erm..Here's the problem, i only have boxer and..This in my bag.."

Taking the embarrassing thing out while hiding his fave on jeno's chest, yes, jeno is infront of him about to take some clothes that jisung could wear.

"This will looks cute on you, wear it, it's okay"

Jeno pat the younger's head while putting back the shirt on his hand, jisung on the other side whining because he's too embarrassed to wear this.

[It's a cute white pajama with a bunny ears on it.]

"Want me to help you change then?"

"S-sur- HOLD UP WHAT?"

Jeno pins jisung to the wall and helps him to takes off his clothes, staring at the soft neck before licking and biting it, giving some red and purple marks on jisung's soft skin.

Jisung bite his lips to hold his moans back.

This is so wrong.

But why does it feels so good at the same time?

After done marking jisung's neck, jeno then continue to do whatever he's doing lately. He takes the pajama and helps him to wear it, after done, jeno chuckled softly and smile at jisung.


end of flashback

"Wait what? Then how do i ended up on my boxer a-"

"Well me and jaemin may gets a little.."


"Hold up, so that mean.. It's not a dream?"

Jeno and jaemin just giggles at his cuteness and cuddle jisung to sleep, not letting jisung to let out a single words.


I'm so sleepy ㅠㅠ i'm so sorry for any mistakes

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