jaedo | bunny

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This book contains a human hybrid, if you don't like it then you can skip :)


Ship requested by : beomgyuj


Cling cling

"Hello! Welcome to hybrid store, may i help you sir?" One of the staffs asked the costumer, "oh yeah, i'm searching for any kind of hybrid, but i'm mostly searching for a bunny did you g-" "oh well! You're lucky! This is our last bunny hybrid"

The staffs tell her friend to bring the hybrid to the man, as he looks around. "Ah sorry for making you wait sir! This is doyoung, our last bunny hybrid! He's pure innocent and didn't even know any single curse words! Will you take it?"

The man look down staring at the bunny, "sure i will"

. . . . .

"Hey..What's your name bunny?" "I-i'm doyoung.." "oh well doyoung don't be scared! i'm your master now, you can call me jaehyun" doyoung nodded and sniffs around. "you got any carrots here?"

Jaehyun chuckle at the bunny, "want some?" Doyoung nodded as he smile softly showing his bunny teeth.

Jaehyun gets up and bring the carrots to the boy, he give it to him as he shows up his room. "Alright! This is your room doie, i'll leave you alone here i won't enter without your permissions so just act like you're in your own house from now on!"


Jaehyun just got home from work, he sigh and sat down on the couch. "Why is it so quiet? Where's doyoung?" Jaehyun frowned as he walk to the hybrid's room slowly, he knock on the door but he got no response. He then open the door, but the sight of the hybrid makes him forgot his own promises not to enter without the bunny's permissions.

He saw doyoung, in a pink skirt and jaehyun's black hoodie. Jaehyun take a deep breath before taking a step closer to the sleeping boy, "doie..Wake up honey.."

"Mhm? Oh? You're back??" Doyoung stare at the other man and pulls him into a hug, "let's just sleep again"


Jaehyun groan as he grind on the bunny's ass, the smaller boy whimper as he feels something hard is grinding on his small ass.

Doyoung whine as jaehyun started to take off their clothes, "j-jae..?" Jaehyun ignore him as he just keep taking of their clothes.

Jaehyun then take a lube under doyoung's bed and lube his fingers, he then start stretching the bunny's entrance making him yelped.

"J-jaehyunie..W-what are you d-doing..?" "Shh..Just obey okay?"


Doyoung's now moaning a mess with jaehyun pounding into his ass, the smaller hold into the sheets as he feels jaehyun thick cock start hitting his prostate.

Jaehyun smirk proudly, "oh such a good boy for master" doyoung just nodded at him as he feels himself closer.

Jaehyun notice this and start pounding even harder, "come with me baby"

Doyoung come as he feels himself getting full of the other's cum.

"I love you" jaehyun say as he cuddle with the bunny.


It's short isn't it?

Random question, how are you guys today?

523 words.

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