Lies | MarkMin

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Ik it's late for mark's birthday

"Hyung, can i come over?" "I mean sure if your parents lets you though, i don't want to get my asses whipped cause you come to my house without them knowing"

"Nah, they won't do that cause they're on vacation and i'm here all alone so-" "wait dude, na jaemin did you just say that your parents leave you alone in your house?"


"That's totally the reason why i call you mark lee, to tell you that i'll be staying in your house until they're back."


Beep beep beep

"...Na jaemin i swear"

Ting tong

Mark quickly run out of his room and open the door, "hey na i was j- oh, hey any new packages?" "Yeah, you got two packages. There you go and goodbye"

Mark sigh and close the door, "when is he coming?"

Ting tong

"Oh wow" mark say as he walk again to the door and open it, "Hyunggggg i miss you so muchhh" jaemin open his arms and hug mark tightly.

"Yo yo dude chill, go put your belongings in my room" mark push the younger softly, "okie dokie" jaemin run cutely to mark's room as the older just chuckle at his cuteness.

"Hey hyung?" Jaemin call the older out, "yes?" "Nothing, i'm just bored hehe" jaemin then stand up and walk to the older room, but before he can the older hold him back and make him sat on his laps.

"Where you think you're going?" "Y-your room...?" Mark stare at the younger in the eyes and smirk  "you won't go anywhere without my permissions"

Mark push jaemin to the couch and pin both of his hand down, "h-hyung?" "Tell me the truth na jaemin, you come here only because you wanted to see me right? Texted you parents and ask for how long they go on their business trip, but they say they're not going on one"

Jaemin just stare at the older as he try to avoid any eye contact, "tell me na jaemin, you like me don't you? I'm not dumb dude"

"Hyun-ngh..F-fuck" jaemin throw his head back as mark start marking jaemin's neck with his marks.

(Full of mArK- lol sorry)

The older pulled away and smile, "tell me" "h..hyung look i-" "na.." "okay fine yes, i like- no i love you.." mark smile at the younger and kiss him softly. "Why you lie though? You can just say that you wanted to play here"

Jaemin blush and pinch mark's cheeks, "ishh!! You think it's easy?!" Mark just giggle at the younger and push him to the couch. "Hyung.." "c'mon na, i know you want it"

"I mean..Why not though? Hehe" jaemin kissed the older as he pushed him closer, mark put his hand between jaemin's waist as he kiss him more deeper.

Jaemin push the older slowly trying to get any oxygen, "damn..Calm down hyung" mark just shrug and carry jaemin up to his room.

Mark enter his room and sat jaemin down on his bed, "take of those clothes baby" jaemin takes off his clothes and helps mark taking off his clothes too.

Mark start hovering above jaemin and start preparing the younger, "oh f- goddamn h-hyung!!"

"fuck, you're so tight na jaemin" jaemin start getting impatient as he hold mark's hand "hyung stop..Just fuck me.."

"Ofc i will darling" mark pat the younger head and quickly lining up his dick on jaemin's entrance.

"It'll be a little hurt okay?" Nana nodded as he hold into the bedsheets tightly when mark started to enter him.

After a while, mark's dick is now fully in. Tears start pooling his eyes as he try to hold the pain.

"M-move.." the younger mumbles, "as you wish princess" mark then start going faster in and out of jaemin a little harsh. Jaemin scream everytime mark cock hit his g-spot.

"F-fuck hyung! H-how can this b-be so good and hurt at t-the same t-time? A-arngh.." jaemin rolled his eyes back, as mark's playing with one of his nipples, and sucking the other one.

"G-goddamn..I'm g-going to c-cum!!" "Come with me darling" they both released as they panted after the wild activity.

"I love you hyungie"

- ☆ -

This one is a fail-

I'm getting stressed soon ig

Btw guys! I'll be releasing my markhyuck book today! (if you follow my Instagram you may know which one)

Don't forget to check the book out! I promise it'll be good, happy reading everyone!!!

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