Late - Ilyoung

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"I can hear it callin' you sexy fuck, loving the way your body talks"

☆ . . . . . . .

Taeil was walking through his company hallway checking his crews if someone's late for work, he saw one empty table so he walk there to check who's table is that.

On the way there, he saw his friend sleeping peacefully as if he won't woke him up. "Na Yuta, wake up did you sleep well last night?"

Yuta woke up and look at his boss or friend, "no, and you know why taeil" taeil sigh "is it cause of your brother and his boyfriends again? Jaemin with renjun and jeno?" Yuta nodded at the older and continue working.

Taeil then continue walking and he arrive at the empty table,  'kim doyoung..I didn't know that you will ever be late' taeil then turn around and go to his office.

On the way to his office, he saw taeyong walking with a coffee on his hand. "Tae, tell doyoung to come to my office after lunch" taeyong just nodded and continue walk to his seat.

☆ . . . . . .

"HYUNG WAKE UP" jungwoo, doyoung brother scream from downstairs. "IT'S ALMOST 9 AM KIM DOYOUNG"

Doyoung eyes quickly went widden as he quickly stand up, "WHAT?" he look at the clock next to his bed and quickly run to get ready while keep whispering 'shit shit shit'

Doyoung then run down and eat his breakfast, "i think you should just take it to work" jungwoo say.

Doyoung sigh and smile at his younger brother, "thank you, wait aren't you supposed to go to school?" "Nah, school finish" "oh"

"Well, see you i'll be back on 3" jungwoo nod and hug him making doyoung hug him back, "good luck hyung"

Doyoung then quickly enter his car and drove to work, "i hope mr.Moon haven't notice me being late yet"

☆ . . . . . .

After arriving, doyoung saw his friend ten looking at him with a crossed hand. "Kim doyoung, it's already 9.35"

"I knowww, did mr.moon notice that i'm late?" Doyoung ask him while sitting down with a worried face, "yes, and he told  you to go to his office after lunch" taeyong say while giving ten some files.

"Owh shit" doyoung sigh as he turn on his computer and start working, ten just smile at his friend and play with his phone.

"Don't you have those files to do?" Kun, their other friend ask ten. "I just need mr.moon sign and then finish" kun sigh and get back to work, "it must be nice to be you" ten just giggle at his friend comment.

Doyoung then just smile and turn to his computer to start working, after a while working he turn to ten to ask about the file. "Hey, where do this files came from? Mr.Wong company? Mr.Park company?"

"Oh that's from Mr.Wong's, why?" "Ah no, it's just something is wrong about this file" ten frown and look at doyoung's screen, "Oh, you're right"

Doyoung then quickly became panic, "don't tell me i have to go to his company to ask for a new files" kun sigh, "well, sadly you have to" doyoung turn to them with a wide eyes.

"Oh my god, really? Then i shoukd go now before lunch time" doyoung then quickly run out of taeil company and drive to Wong Company.

After arriving, doyoung quickly enter and ask the security to call mr.Wong's secretary.

The security let doyoung in cause mr.wong's secretary is outside, on the way in he saw his brother's boyfriend. "Lucas!"

Lucas turn around and greet the older, "hey hyung! Did something happen?" "Ah yeah, just some of your dad files are wrong"

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