frozen - Jaeren

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Requested by : Shanllv

Idk, this was inspired by jisung's beloved wife, anna. + This is like fr too random-


"Ugh, frozen again? I'm bored watching that.."

"Okay, let's watch moomin then."

"nevermind, i will just go to our room."

Renjun groaned at the korean boy who live in america for 4 years, frozen is fun to watch for renjun, but jaehyun is starting to get sick of it.

Renjun just pouted as he click the 'play' button, he watch it while hugging his moomin pillow.

Aslo the reason why renjun really loves frozen is because, jaehyun's brother, jisung, he really loves anna. When both jaehyun and renjun are not married yet, jisung always watch frozen with renjun. But now since they're both married and jisung is focusing on his study, they can't watch it together. Renjun have no choice but to watch it with jaehyun.

it was just like 5-6 minutes but renjun gets bored because jaehyun is not beside him, if jaehyun was beside him, he could watch it while holding his hand or while cuddling together.

But then, renjun saw this part when anna beg elsa to make a snowman together. Since he's bored, he memories the script.

Anna : psst, elsa! Wake up wake up wake up!

Elsa : anna, go back to sleep

Anna : i just can't, the sky is awake, so i'm awake, so we have to play

Elsa : go play by yourself

Anna : do you want to build a snowman?

Renjun smirk reading the last line, he got a very nice idea.


Renjun opened the door and quickly rush to the bed disturbing jaehyun who's having a call with johnny, the small boy smile and cuddle him making jaehyun to giggle and hang up his call with johnny.

"Finally getting bored watching that children movie, huh?"

"Nope! Not at all! I just want to cuddle you"

The taller boy nodded while patting renjun's head, but yeah.. Ended up jaehyun's the one who fall asleep and not renjun. Renjun giggle when he hear jaehyun snoring, seems like his husband is tired.

The chinese boy then get up and go to the kitchen to eat some food before doing his plan, he know that jaehyun won't stop until morning.

After finishing his food, renjun rush to their room and do his plan.

"Jae! Babe! Wake up wake uppppppp!"

"Ugh.. Let me sleep jun.."

"Nouuuuuu i'm boredddd! Let's play or go somewhere"

"No renjun, let me sleep for a while."

"Then.. Do you want to make a baby?"

Jaehyun suddenly opened his eyes and told renjun to sat on his laps, he kissed the younger as he started to touch renjun's ass.



"A-ah! Jaeeeee.. Th-tha-t hurt- stop! Ugh.."

Jaehyun laugh at him while keep pinching renjun's nipples, oh he really loves this. Seeing renjun crying while begging him to stop always made him became more hornier.

Suddenly jaehyun stand up leaving renjun alone in the room already getting turned on, he want to move, but he couldn't. Jaehyun tied his hand on the headboard, even though his legs could move, it still feels uncomfortable.

The older enter the bedroom with an empty water bottle, knowing what jaehyun will do making renjung to kick him, his feet accidentally kicked jaehyun's ball making him to fall on top of the smaller boy.

While groaning at the pain, jaehyun keep playing with renjun's hair instead of scolding him.

Renjun giggles and change their positions making him being on top of jaehyun, he takes off jaehyun's pants and quickly sat on his already hard dick.

Head leaning back, sweats start falling down to his neck, hips keeps moving up and down searching for pleasure, hands holding tight on jaehyun's shoulders.

Jaehyun's mouth quickly take this opportunity and start kissing renjun's neck, biting it a little leaving a red mark on his beautiful neck.


Failing on holding his moans, renjun then drop himself on jaehyun's laps. The taller just laugh and pat his head before pushing him down to the bed and start thrusting into the smaller boy under him.

Without renjun noticing, jaehyun takes the bottle and hit renjun's cock with it. The boy whine loudly while still moaning uncontrollably, tears falling out bcs of both pleasure and pain.

Jaehyun can't lie, he loves this.

Renjun keep screaming like crazy when jaehyun hits THAT spot, and also the fact that jaehyun's still hitting his cock using that bottle, it keeps making renjun to came. Nothing comes out of his mouth except moans, his throat is getting sore from screaming and moaning.

But he couldn't do anything, because he ask for this.


Double up, yes or yes?

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