rainy day - dojaeyong

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Nct 127 comeback and repackage, wayv ot7 comeback, nct u new unit, nct 2021, new member

Sm won't let both nct and us rest wtf

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Today, it's raining so bad. Doyoung is hiding under his blanket scared, both of his boyfriends haven't get home yet.

Doyoung feels like to cry, he really want someone to hug. Even though he's hugging his favorite panda right now, he still need someone to hug.

He slowly walk down through the stairs while hugging his panda, he sat down on the couch and wait for his boyfriends.

He try to close his eyes but he can't sleep, the storms are making him scared. He pray for his boyfriends to come back soon.

After 35 minutes, he hear the door getting opened. He sat up and look at the door, he saw his boyfriends all wet cause of the rain outside.

Doyoung run to jaehyun and taeyong, he hug them making shis boyfriends smile. "Doyie, we're wet, you will catch cold if you hug us" taeyong say making jaehyun hummed.

"I don't mind, cause when i get cold, you both stay with me!!" Doyoung smile making jaehyun and taeyong smile back.

"Let both of us atleast change clothes first hyungie" jaehyun kiss doyoung right cheek and push doyoung off softly, doyoung whine but he let go of them.

Doyoung stare at his boyfriends who's going up to change clothes as he take his panda and follow them from behind, he sat on the bed and hide under his blanket again.

He's still scared of the storm outside, he whimper everytime he hear the thunder rumbles. Taeyong who just go out of the bathroom quickly change into new clothes and cuddle doyoung.

"It's okay doyie, we are here" doyoung take a peek, and both of them make eye contact. Taeyong smile as he pat doyoung head slowly, doyoung blush and hide under the blanket again.

"Babe, isn't it hot under the blanket?" Ask jaehyun who's just finish changing into a new clothes, doyoung feel someone is hugging him from behind, he know it was jaehyun.

He smile at the think of both of his boyfriend hugging him outside of the blanket.

He slowly get out of the blanket and smile, "how was work today guys?" He turn to jaehyun and tilt his head. "We are good at the company, we just miss you"

Doyoung giggle, but after that he flinch cause of the lightning making his boyfriend give him a worried face. "Hey babe? How about let's drink some warm milk and sleep?"

Doyoung just nodded as taeyong get up to make some warm milks for three of them, while jaehyun just stay beside doyoung patting his head. "Are you scared hyung?" "A little.." jaehyun kiss his forehead and continue patting the older's head.

After some minutes, taeyong comeback with 3 cups full of chocolate milk. Doyoung eyes went widden as a smile appears on his face, "yayyyy!! Chocolate milk!" Taeyong and jaehyun just giggle at their boyfriend acting cute.

Taeyong give one cup of milk to both doyoung and jaehyun, after that he put his own beside the bed. He smile at the younger reaction, "mmmh!! Delicious!!"

(Stan kai for better life)

After finishing the milk, taeyong put them on the sink and make the younger go to sleep.

After one and a half hour, doyoung is still wide awake cause of the storms outside. Everytime he saw the lightning, he shakes and tears start pooling his eyes.

He try to wake taeyong up, but he's still sleeping looking very comfortable. His next target is jaehyun, but when he turn around he didn't see jaehyun anywhere making him scared.

Suddenly he heard the bathroom door getting closed, he look at his boyfriend figure who's just coming out of the bathroom. "Can't sleep bunny?" Doyoung slowly nodded at the younger, "b-bunny is s-scared.."

Jaehyun sat on the bed and kiss doyoung, doyoung eyes went widden but then slowly he melt into the kiss. Jaehyun change their position so that doyoung is under him, after a while, they pulls out.

Taeyong who's now awake then start taking off doyoung's clothes, "let us make you to sleep baby" doyoung smile shyly. "O-okay.."

Jaehyun continue kissing doyoung as his hands move to the older pink cute nipples, his fingers start playing with it.

Doyoung softly moan in the kiss as taeyong who's now already bored watching start to play with doyoung cock, slowly licking it and teasing it making the younger whine a little loud.

Jaehyun pulls out, doyoung whine at what the younger do making the younger chuckle. "We can kiss later, cause we are going to do something more fun than kissing."

Doyoung blush, "t-then hurry up!!" Right after doyoung say that, taeyong stand up and go up to doyoung. "Open wide" doyoung open his mouth widely welcoming the big cock of taeyong.

Drolls coming out from  doyoung's mouth and his eyes are rolled back as taeyong still fucking his face roughly, 3 fingers of jaehyun are already in doyoung's small hole, stretching it making the doyoung moan.

Jaehyun take some lube under the bed and pour it on his cock and doyoung entrance, after that he pounds into doyoung didn't let him adjust making doyoung scream on taeyong cock.

Taeyong come on doyoung's mouth and pulls out, doyoung shallow it as he's trying to catch his breath. But before he can, jaehyun cock hit right on his sensitive part making him moan loudly.

"J-jaehyun!! S-stop slow d-down!!" Doyoung try to talk between his moans, but that just makes jaehyun goes more rough.

Suddenly jaehyun stop as taeyong sat beside him making doyoung confused, "w-what are you g-guys doing..?" Taeyong just smile softly as he follow jaehyun entering doyoung's entrance.

Doyoung grab the sheets tightly as he scream, "f-fuck!! No! Y-you guys are t-too big!!!" Both taeyong and jaehyun just ignore him and pound into him uncontrollably.

Doyoung eyes are rolled back, his chin is soaked of his drolls that coming out of his mouth, his forehead is full of sweats, as his whole body shakes whenever both of his boyfriends cock touch his prostate at the same time.

"I-i'm c-close!!" Doyoung eyes start getting teary as he try to say between his moans and screams, "us too babe" taeyong and jaehyun say at the same time as they go more rough.

Doyoung cry as he come, his whole body shakes as he grab on jaehyun shoulder squishing it. Taeyong and jaehyun then come and slowly getting out of doyoung doesn't want him to get hurt, they both lay beside doyoung and kiss the man between them.

"Wanna take a shower?" Taeyong asked, "n-no..Let's just s-sleep.." doyoung say whil3 closing his eyes slowly dozing off.

Jaehyun and taeyong smile, "sleep well baby" they both say as they both starting to sleep too.

☆ . . . . . .

!! Reminder !!

I won't be active so much cause school is starting, and i want to focus on school this year so please understand!

Words : 1187

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