kunyang - nightmares

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Ship requested by : yoonxhaei




1.27 am

Yangyang suddenly sat on the bed while rubbing his eyes, he cried as he remembers the nightmare he got. He tried to wake kun up but it didn't work, yangyang then just cry while hugging his pillow.

Kun woke up hearing some sniffs beside him, he turned to yangyang to see him crying. "Yangyang? What happened?" Kun sat up and pick yangyang to his laps, he stroke the younger's hair while the other boy just cry on his chest.

"In my dream y-you (sniffs) l-l" "shh, it's okay i'm here don't worry okay?" Kun just let the younger boy to cry his eyes out until he's feeling more calm. After a while, yangyang already stopped crying and looked at kun. "You're not going to go anywhere right?"

"No, i'm here and i'll always be here." Yangyang then smile at him and pout his lips asking for a kiss, "kiss!" Yangyang say as kun just smile and part their lips together.

Starting to enjoy the moments, yangyang then feels something pocking his thighs. Yangyang move his thighs making the older to let out a low groan and brone their kiss, "fuck baby, what are you doing?" He just smiled and continue doing it.

"Goddamn, baby sheep stop it" kun throw his head back as he gets up on his knee and stay on between yangyang's thighs, knowing what will happen next makes yangyang to grin.

The other boy was confused, i mean why would someone be happy knowing that they will be getting fucked? He swears on his head that yangyang's crazy.

"Are you seriously grinning right now?" "Well do i looked like i'm frowning right now?" Kun rolled his eyes at his answer and takes off yangyang's boxer, yes he only wear boxer when he sleeps.

"Bds-" "no, we're shooting for nct 2021's content tomorrow" yangyang just pouted at him and help kun to takes off the t-shirt he's wearing.

Yep, the younger is totally crazy.



Uck!! Nghh.." Yangyang bites his lower lips and raises his head up, sobbing moans already forming from his sinful mouth. He lowers down again to look at kun by aligning their eye levels. As if he is telling how much in pain he is and how big kun is down there, he narrows his eyes and twitches his brows with a mouth agape. The oldest in the dorm looks right back with a pleasuring feeling inside his chest from the erotic expression of yangyang.

He dropped himself more on kun's cock making his whole body shaking, the younger tried his best to put on kun's whole dick inside of him but it's almost impossible for him to do it.

Yangyang then finally gets kun's whole dick in with a yelp. Kun leans in, ensuring if the younger is alright by caressing yangyang's neck with his hair making the younger to giggles. Yangyang nodded at kun letting the older to start thrusting his cock inside of him.

Kun then changed their positions, he hold one of yangyang's legs and put it on his shoulder spreading it more wider, yangyang whines as he tries to close his legs.

Kun pounds into him in a uncontrollably pace, yangyang eyes gives up and rolled into the back of his head each time the older cock hitting his prostate. "I'm c-close.." the younger tried to moaned out making kun letting out a smirk, "really? That fast? Let's have some little fun first" he said before putting a cockring on yangyang's almost making the younger scream.

"P-please! Oh god..I'm s-so ngh close!!" Yangyang lean his head back to the pillow giving kun a chance to give him some kissmarks, but sadly kun can't do it.

"Look at you..So fucking needy for your own group leader don't you? Always touching yourself in the bathroom while thinking of me touching you, i can't forget the moments when we filmed TBT mv and you can't focus because you-"

Drrt drrt

Kun groans as he see who called yangyang, he takes the phone and give it to him. "I-inj-ermm..Injun! What is i-it?"

'I think i'm the one who should be asking you, where the fuck are you? We are supposed to be recording a song right now!'

Yangyang stops kun from what he's doing and asked renjun again, "what time is this?" He heard the person on the other side of the phone groaned.

'Almost 3 am! C'mon get up and get ready. I thought i already remind you about the recording at 2.30 am?"

Kun and yangyang both looked at each other and literally cursing at each other.


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