Friend - Jaemyang

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Yangyang is running around his house, he's bored asf. He have nothing to do, he want to go out but there's no one he can go with, most of his friends are busy.

Yangyang decided to call jaemin, "jaeminieeee, what are you doing right nowwwww?"

'I'm just watching tv with my brother, why?'

"I'm boreed, can you come here pleaseeee?"

'Sure why not?' Yangyang can hear the boy from the other side of the phone giggle, "well see you!" He then close the call.

Yangyang smile at his phone and watch netflix, after a while he hear the bells rings so he quickly run to the door.

Yangyang open the door and see jaemin smiling widely at him,yangyang let him in and they both sat down on the couch.

"Sooo...What you want to do?" Jaemin asked, "idk? Watching some movie?" "Sure!!"

Yangyang stand up and run to the kitchen, "let me make popcorns first!!" Jaemin just smile at him.

After a few minutes, yangyang come back with 3 bowls fulls of popcorns, "woa, you think we can finish all of this yangyang?"

"I mean, if we watch movie, we won't notice that we eat so many popcorns when we watch movies" "ohoho true"

"What movie do you want to watch?" Jaemin turn to the younger, "mmmmmh, what about train to busan 2?? Or maybe a quiet place 2?"

"Ohoho, what about both?" Jaemin ask him making the younger giggle "sure!! Let's watch train to busan 2 first!"

"Wait before that i want to take some drink, i'm thirsty" jaemin quickly run to the kitchen and take some drink and come back to watch the movie.

They both then start watching movie as yangyang lean his head on jaemin's shoulder while hugging him, jaemin notice this and put his hand on yangyang waist, yangyang blushed and cuddle jaemin.

After a while, yangyang feel uncomfortable with jaemin hand keep going in his shirt. "J-jaemin.." yangyang whimper, "s-stop it n-n-nana.." this time his whimper becoming a moan cause jaemin starts playing with his nipple, "but you like it don't you mhm?"

Yangyang can't lie, he has been dreaming about his bestfriend touching him like this. They're a friend since elementary school, and right when they enter high school, yangyang have a crush on jaemin.

Yangyang always keep it himself cause he's afraid to broke their friendship, but now he's not afraid ahymore.

"N-no-I mean y-yes.." Yangyang throw his head back as jaemin start kissing him, yangyang whine when he feel jaemin other hand taking off his pants.

Jaemin smirk and whisper on yangyang ear "be patient baby" jaemin then remove his hand from yangyang shirt and take off his clothes, yangyang is staring at the older.

Jaemin start preparing yangyang while kissing the younger, jaemin then line up his dick on the younger entrance until the younger stop him.

"W-we are just a f-friend jaemin.." "But i don't think you look at me as a friend" jaemin smirk as he slowly enter yangyang without the younger noticing, "you moan out my name on the bathroom while you're touching yourself aren't you mhm?"

Yangyang moan when the older say that as he hold on jaemin shoulder, jaemin start going fast and yangyang rolls his eyes back when jaemin dick touch his prostate.

Yangyang breathe start getting hard, jaemin was going uncontrollable fast making him cry out of the pleasure.

"J-jaemin..I'm c-close" the younger scream as he come on their stomach, jaemin groan at the view as he keep going faster to catch his high.

Yangyang whine as he hold the pain, jaemin then kiss him as he release inside the younger.

They both pant and look at each other, "be my boyfriend?" Jaemin ask him.

"Yesss!!!" They both then kiss, but then suddenly someone call yangyang making they pulls out.

Yangyang answer the call, "yes?"


"Oh shit"

☆ . . . . . . .

Plot twist : yangyang parents is ilyoung 😌


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