office - jichen

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ANYONE MISSED MEEEE????? I miss you guys so much lmfao <333

Ship requested by (i don't really remember your request so if i'm wrong just correct me) : shaegin

Story line..Again made by : songbirddsies

Thanks bestie <3


"Huft, why do i have so many works to do?!" Chenle push himself to fall on his couch as he close his eyes, "god please don't make someone enter and give me more works to do" welp atleast he try to beg.

Knock knock

"Who's there?"


"Who, who?- wait, seriously Who's there?"

"Lele, it's me renjun"

Chenle frowned as he let the older in, "what is it gege?" Renjun smile and sat down beside chenle on the couch.

"Are you tired?" "Do i looks like i'm not tired?" Renjun smile and pat his head, "i have a good news for you" hearing ghe word 'good news' made chenle quickly sat up and stare at renjun.

"Many peoples have use our company's project and our company gets a certificate for the best new company in korea!" Renjun said as he shakes the younger uncontrollably, "g-gege stop i'm getting dizzy" chenle hold renjun to stop the older from making him getting dizzy.

"Ah yes sorry i'm just too excited, and another good news! Jisung's company won the best company in 2021" renjun smile as he see the younger getting even happier, "yayyyy!!! Party time!" Renjun just laughed at him. "You all can have a break for today, i'll be going to jisung's company"

Chenle takes his belongings as he waves at renjun, he walked through his co-workers and tell them that they could have a break today.

He happily walked out of his company and drives to his boyfriend's company.


He walked in jisung's company as he bowed at the peoples there, "oh mr.Zhong? Mr.Park is waiting for you!" Chenle smile at her and thank her. "Thank you"

Chenle knocked on jisung's work room and opened the door, he saw the younger's calling someone while looking at the window backing the door making him didn't notice that chenle's here.

Chenle smile as he slowly walked to him, "jiii~" jisung turned around and smile. "Give me some sec okay?" Chenle nodded as he back hugged him, "okay, i'll text you later about it thank you" jisung say before he close the call.

"Sooooo...Looks like someone's in a good mood right now" jisung turned to him and put his phone on the table, "ofc!! I'm happy for you" jisung smile and patted his head. "And i'm proud of you"

Chenle snuggle his head on jisung's chest as he jump making jisung carry him, chenle then giggle while jisung tickled him a little.

"Sungg!! Stop it! It tickles~" chenle said while laughing, he feel jisung slowly sat down on his seat and pulled him closer for a kiss.

Jisung pulled out as he smile, "let me finish my work first okay? And then we could go out" chenle nodded and walked to the couch in the corner of the room.

After an hour of waiting, chenle slowly getting bored. He's playing with his phone but he's still bored, he sigh and give a glance at the younger.

"Ji...I'm bored" chenle say with a pout making jisung giggle, "wait for me okay? I'm almost finish" chenle whines at the word 'almost done'.

Chenle look at jisung and walked to him, he sat on the edge of the desk and pulled jisung's tie to make him focus on him.

"Ji..We haven't play in a month don't we?" Jisung smirked knowing what's about to happened after this, "oh lele..Have you planned all this cause you wanted to play with me?" Jisung yanked his tie away and pulled chenle to his laps.

Chenle looked down shyly as he play with jisung's pants, "We haven't had sex in a like a month, and you're just going to tease me like that ?" Jisung start caressing chenle's cheeks as he slowly unbuttoning his own suits.

"Don't make too much noise, we wouldn't want everyone to hear you now would we ?" Jisung tease chenle making the older hit his arm jokingly, "i mean i'm okay if they heard us" Chenle smile 'innocently' at him.

"Sure" jisung push chenle pants down and chenle bent down on his knee to takes off jisung's pants, after successfully taking it off, he grab the whole dick and put it in his mouth.

"Oh fuck i miss this warm mouth" jisung say as he tilted his head back, jisung grab on chenle's hair, taking control of him sucking his dick.

"Don't you like it when i take full control like this mhm?" Chenle just simply nodded at the word and continue sucking the cock in his mouth. Jisung cock hit the back of chenle's throat making him gagged, jisung then cum and pulled out.

"U okay?" Even though jisung loves bdsm, he always checked on chenle after sex, yh wht a nice bf chenle got. Chenle then just nodded and turned around to make a doggy style pose making jisung spanked his ass.

"You're really cute when you're bent over and waiting for me." Chenle whines as he take jisung hand to start fingering him, "no lube, just fuck me" jisung smile, but lowkey in the bottom of his heart he's worried of his boyfriend geting hurt.


Jisung then insert 2 fingers in chenle's hole making him scream, j-ji! Too m-much!" Chenle let his tears out as he cry out.

Jisung didn't even care anymore cause he's loosing his mind already, so he just stretched chenle a little and then slammed his dick in the older's entrance.

Jisung then started to making hickeys on chenle's shoulders and neck, welp..Don't asked about chenle's situation rn, he's frustrated on how fast jisung's rn + someone's knocking on the door.

He's too caught in pleasure to even care stopping jisung only to open the stupid door.

After getting bored of marking chenle up, jisung decided to grab on chenle's dick and start stroking it at the same pace as him. Chenle can't handle it anymore as he come, he bit his lips cause he's still sensitive after his orgams but jisung didn't stop.

"F-fuck sung!!" Chenle digged his nails on jisung's shoulder making him coming right in him, "oh goddamn that was the best" jisung put chenle on the couch as he cleans both of them.

"Darn it, did you marked me that much?" Jisung smiled at him, "you can say that ahaha" jisung helped chenle to wear his clothes and told him to sleep on the couch as he will finished his works.


"Why tf do they say my name so fucking many times?!" Mark lee the cctv security said.

"Nah dude, you mean MY name??" And yh this one is Mark tuan, he's mark work mate.

"JUST SHUT UP! YOU BOTH GOT THE SAME NAME!" Haechan, jisung's secretary who just passed by the security room said.


Oml i write this at 12 am 😃🤙
And later i got a tryouts imma go cry bye 👋👋

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