moomin | markren

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Renjun and xiaojun's voice in this cover video i can't- ㅠㅠ

Ship requested by : GalaxyFantaxy


"Why are you so jealous?! It's just a cartoon hyung!" Renjun scoffed as mark glare at the younger, "oh well i won't be jealous over a fucking stupid cartoon except that my boyfriend is giving them more attention more than to me."

Renjun punch mark's chest, "moomin isn't a stupid cartoon!!" Mark eyes went widden when renjun punched him, "see?! Now you're on his side, look renjun. Who's the one you're dating to? Me right? Or is it that stupid cartoon?"

Renjun feels his eyes getting teary, "i-it's you hyung..B-but moomin is just so c-cute..I can't s-stop watching-" "you know what jun? Go date that fucking thing if you like it more than me." Mark say angrily and storms out of the room, renjun falls down on his knee as he sniffs."I-i'm sorry hyung.."

After 2 weeks, mark isn't coming home since that last fight. And it makes renjun overthinks very much, 'did he cheated on me?' 'Does something happened to him..?'.

"Ughh! Huang renjun!! Think positive!!" Renjun scoffed as he stare at the front door, 'ding dong'. Renjun tilt his head but quickly open the door.

"Yes? I thought i didn't buy any p- m-mark hyung..?" Mark ignore him but just hug the younger. Mark smells like alcohol to renjun, the way his breath smells..Renjun really wants to throw up. "Hyung..? A-are you drunk..?"

"No..i'm not injunnie..i'm sorry baby, i'm really sorry..I'm so dumb i-" "shh..Hyung..It's alright.." renjun shut mark up as he kissed the older, ugh..If only renjun can, he really wanted to scold mark for drinking until he drunk like this.

"What can i made it up to you mhm? Moomin's doll? Moomin's pillow? Moomin's blanket? M-" renjun again, shut him up with a kisses. But this time, the kiss start getting rough each time.

"I guess i know what you want" mark pick renjun up and close the front door, locking it. He then walk upstairs to renjun's bedroom, still carrying the younger with him.

Renjun gets a little impatient as he created some marks on mark's neck, "jun.." mark groan making the smaller become more needy. "Eunghh hyungg p-please.."

Mark then open the smaller room and enter it, "where's the lube i get you?" Renjun look down, "babe..You masturbating yourself using all of it-..?" Mark asked him making the shorter nodded.

"Damn, someone's missing my cock so much mhm? Answer you whore." Mark spanked renjun as the younger shakes at the pain, "y-yes i do miss master's cock!! I miss that big fat thick cock of yours!!" Renjun cry out feeling more uncomfortable down there under his pants.

(Reminds me of kai mr pantie- okay next-)

Mark then takes off both of their clothes and throw it somewhere across the room, "hurry!!!" "Renjun, be patient. Or i won't do anything."

Renjun then shut his out and quickly open his legs wide only for the older to see his tight pink hole clenching around nothing and it just looks so delicious in mark's eyes.

Renjun whines as he feel the colld air touching his skin, "h-hyu- Angh!!" "What did you call me?"

"M-master..Ngh!!" Renjun feel a thick cock entering his small hole, "fuck preparing, i only want you"

Renjun digged his nails in the older's shoulder as he's getting closer to his orgams, "h-hyu- nghh!! I'm close!!" Renjun moaned out as mark play with his dick, giving it a slow stroke.

"Come on, cum for me..Show me that you're such a bad slut for me huang renjun."

Renjun then come on both of their stomachs, "i'm sorry again for geting jealous over a moomin baby.." renjun just nodded and they both fall asleep.


"Ugh...What happened last night..?" Mark sat up as he look around still confused about what's happening last night, "eh? Injun?" "Good morning hyung!! I just ordered some food cause i'm too lazy to cook, how's your head?"

"It's fine..Thank you jun..I'm sorry for getting mad at y-" renjun put his whole hand on the older's mouth, taping it.

"It's okayy, stop saying sorry okay?? Atleast we're alright now.."


720 words.

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