yurotae- beautiful

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Requested by : _Sunhee_Jeon_


And guys, i will be closing requests for now. I still have 7 more to post and i don't have time to write it soo..Yeah

Are you guys tired of waiting?

Let me hug all peoples who wait patiently for me


Shotaro is scrolling through instagram, he loves to read fans comments on his posts. But today, ke almost didn't see any good comments about him.

"Shotaro you're so ugly"

"He's not talented"

"Stop acting like you're close with other members"

And some others, it hurts him to read those comments. All the things they say, keep running through his head. He sigh and decided to walked towards yuta, knowing that the older will try his best to help him.

"Yuta hyung.."

Yuta turned around hearing that soft voice of shotaro, he smile at the younger and asked him what happened. But suddenly, shotaro let out some of his tears as he hugged yuta making the older confused.

"Hey hey, what's wrong taro? Did anything happens?"

Shotaro didn't answer him but giving yuta his phone, yuta read those comments while patting shotaro's head, he understand how taro feels.

"Hey, what happened?"

Taeyong came because he saw shotaro crying on yuta's shoulder, yuta give him his phone and told taeyong to read it. After reading those comments, taeyong feel the pain in his chest too, even though those aren't for him.

"Shotaro? Look, it's okay.. Everything is going to be fine, meet me and yuta after practice ended, okay?"

Shotaro nodded making the both taeyong and yuta smile.


"H-hyung? What are you doing?"

"Oh shotaro, we are just going to makes you remember that you're beautiful, and no one can changes that"

Shotaro getting panicked as he saw taeyong starting to pinned him to the wall and tied his hands up. Taeyong whispered something to yuta, shotaro didn't hear that much but the thing he know, he heard taeyong mentioned bdsm.

"Hey, shotaro, relax, it won't hurt

That much"


Just kidding.

"Akh! Taeyong hyung!! Stop! A-argh.. Ouhhh!! Fuck th-tha-t oh my gosh t-there!!"

Taeyong made his whole fist into shotaro's clenching whole making the boy to squirmed, feels good and hurt at the same time.

Yuta on the other side, told shotaro to suck his fingers, the younger japanese just follow both of their commands and enjoy the pleasure he got.

Not even a minute, shotaro came on his stomach. And ofcourse the both taeyong and yuta didn't stop, well i mean they haven't reach to main activity.

Shotaro tried to move away but ended up failing, he feels very sensitive, his legs want to give up and want to sit down but he couldn't, he want to put his hands down but he couldn't.

Feels like hell, but the pleasure takes you to heaven.

Taeyong finally take his fist out and smile proudly at the stretched hole, it looks very red and addicting.

Shotaro whine in relief as he doesn't feel the pain of his hole getting stretched, and he even feel that yuta untied him. Falling down, shotaro almost sleeping on the floor because he's too tired.

But just then, yuta picks him up and put him on the bed.

Shotaro let out a dolphin voice as he feel his hole getting full again, but this time, it much more better than taeyong's fist.

As yuta start pounding into shotaro, taeyong infront of taro keep giving him positive response everytime shotaro moaned.

"you're beautiful, you're perfect, just be who you are, you're amazing, you're hardworking, you're cute, you're not ugly, you're the most important person in this world"

Shotaro nodded, he couldn't do anything more than that, he yelp as taeyong suddenly fill his mouth with his big cock.

"I wonder nctzen's reaction when they know that their innocent shotaro is actually a cock slut."

Taeyong whispered in shotaro's ear.

"More like.. Yuta and taeyong's cock slut."

After some minutes, yuta then came making shotaro to whines at the warm feeling on his hole. Taeyong stare at the clenching hole before start to suck almost half of yuta's cum and the poor hole's slick.

"Damn.. I could do this all day"


It's almost 11 pm, i'm so sleepy.. And yeah, truly sorry about posting this late like very very late

Thank you and i love u guys ⊂(◉‿◉)つ

I'm so sorry for any typos.

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