carrots - norenmin

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Requested by : barbieric

Storyline by : songbirddsies

Tbh i don't even know what is this but..Happy reading ig


Renjun was cooking on their kitchen, he copped a carrot one by one until suddenly his stomach feel so..Amazing? He really can't stop thinking about his two boyfriends while cooking in the kitchen.

"Goddamn, did i just get horny" renjun asked himself while staring at the carrots infront of him, "huang renjun you're getting crazy" he took two carrots and made his way to the couch in the living room.

He play some music and start to take off his pants, "this is my first time and last time playing with carrots" He then started making those carrots in. "A-ahm..Jeno..Jaemin"

Renjun throw his head back while thrusting the carrots more deep until it hit his prostate, he rolled his eyes back as he moves those carrots in uncontrollable pace


"I swear, today's such a bad day" jaemin said while banging his head on the car's steering wheel almost making the horn loose some noises "why you keep grumbling" jeno, his bestfriend beside him asked.

"Well i hate how my new secretary keep flirting with me and didn't even do a single work a FUCKING SINGLE WORK"

Jaemin lean back on the car eeat and continue to drive, jeno therr just sigh and shakes his head. "Welp..Ig i understand"

Jaemin parked his car on their house amd gets off, their house? Yes. They shared house because of hoe close they're, making them even sharing a boyfriend.

"I wonder what's renjunnie doing right now" jeno say while unlocking the house door, once they open it, they say renjun with both of his legs open and hos hands thrusting something in him. "Damn.." the two boys whispered and made their way to the boy who's right now masturbating alone.

Jeno walked to renjun's right side and help him trusting the carrots in and out of him, while jaemin on the other side kissing renjun. Renjun get startled when he feel something soft on his lips, he opened his eyes and saw jaemin's beautiful eyes infront of him.

"N-na.." renjun try to say as he's close to his white, jaemin pulled out and let renjun to moan as loud as he want. "Oh f-fuck nono!" Renjun grap on jeno's hair and come, but that doesn't mean jeno will stop.

"A-ah lee jeno! Enough with the carrots i want y-your dick!" Renjun try to moaned out while sucking jaemin's cock, "oh renjunnie..Which one do you prefer? The carrots or our dicks? Hm? Which one will make you scream the loudest?", god renjun loves this very much. "Were you that horny until you can't wait for us to get home renjunnie?"

"Y-yes! Aahm..P-please" renju cry out as jeno takes the carrots out, the oldest among three of them then sobs and looked at his two boyfriends. "P-please i want to be full, please fill me out with your cum please nana" the chinese man then grab jaemin's suit and squeeze it while keep begging.

"Look jeno, shall we give him what he deserves?" The boy looked at jeno who's now taking off his clothes, "sure, come here you little slut" Renjun slowly walked to jeno and sat on his laps.

"A-akh!" Didn't give a warning, jeno enter renjun harshly while the older still searching for a comfortable position. "J-jeno calm down! A-ah..Fuck nana!!"

Jaemin is now playing with the older's nipples, twisting, stroking, pecking,  and sometimes sucking it, driving renjun crazy.

Renjun keep bouncing on jeno's dick while sucking jaemin's, he's kinda regretting for not waiting until they both get home bcs if he wait, he won't be this tired now. Jeno helped the boy with thrusting in and out of the chinese boy fast.

"O-oh! Keep going! G-god that feels so good..Keep moving! Lee jeno!!"

Jaemin gets annoyed at renjun because he didn't scream his name even once, he he decided to go on his knee and start to suck renjun's cock. "N-nana! Oh..There jeno..Fuck you guys are d-driving me crazy!!"




I'm so fucking sleepy y'all, but songbirddsies keep forcing me to update 🙄/hj

Anywayyy, have a great day/sleep well every1!

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