3 bfs - johnjaeyudo

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If i posted this then i get a low score bahaha

Top : johnny jaehyun yuta
Bottom : doyoung


Doyoung's there, listening to music using his earphones, while laying his head on the window. He keeps humming the song without realizing someone's knocking on his door, he realized it just know when he saw the person's shadow coming near him.

"Babe~!!" Doyoung turned to the voice and smile, "good evening Nakamoto how's your day~~" yuta chuckle and carry doyoung up. "My day is great cause of you" doyoung rolled his eyes and punched yuta's chest, "stop it" yuta hummed as he carry the younger out of his room to the kitchen room.

"Dinner's ready doyie" doyoung nodded at the older and sat down on the chair, "but it's still 7 pm- are you guys sure you want to eat now?" The other three boys looked at each other and chuckle. "Just eat baby, we don't want you to be too tired later"

Doyoung gets confused but he just shrugs it off, he start eating the spaghetti infront of him. He feels a little uncomfortable cause his boyfriend(s) are staring at him so he give them a quick glance.

"What?! Do i- wait, you guys aren't eating?" Doyoung looked at them one by one as he take a bite of his meatball, "we're still full" johnny said but jaehyun quickly added, "plus we can eats you later" yuta quickly give jaehyun's ear a pinch making it becoming red cause how hard he pinch it.

"Ouch?! Wtf??" Yuta glare at him and then scoffed, "anyway, ignore what jaehyun say" but that's too late for them. Doyoung's still there with his eyes widden disbelieving what jaehyun said, 'fuck it..This would be a long night' doyoung thought and place his spoon on the table.

"I'm finish" he said and walked upstairs to his room, doyoung sigh and locked his door. "With this they can't enter right..?" Doyoung sat on his bed and close his eyes, he heard the other boys voices downstairs, 'looks like they fought' doyoung thought in his head.

But after some minutes he heard some punching sounds which made him quickly stands up and run to the living room, but when he reach there he didn't see anyone fighting. He saw the 3 boys watching netflix, he tilt his head and sat down beside yuta. "Do you guys heard some punching noises?"

The three boys turned to him and shook their heads making doyoung giggle, he was about to stand up but yuta held him. "Wanna watch netflix and chill?"


Doyoung smile awkwardly at yuta and shook his head quickly, "n-no i'm good!" Doyoung jumped off yuta's laps and run into his room.

You may asked why doyoung ran away from those three, well..Let's just say he's a little bunny and the other 3 boys are a hungry tiger.

Well..Bad for him cause he forgot to lock the door beforr taking a nap, let's all pray for doyoung's ass 🙏 you may rest in peace.

After knowing doyoung is asleep, johnny slowly walked upstairs and get on the bed to hugged the bunny from behind. As if they communicate using telepathy, the other boys joined him.

In no time, doyoung's already there with no pants and still sleeping. Jaehyun smile and start caressing the older's cheeks, "should we wake him up or just let him waking up by himself when we.." yuta asked the oldest in the room.

"If we wake him up now then he will stop us" johnny said as yuta nodded at him "but if we didn't wake him up now, it'll looks like we're r@ping him-" yuta and johnny scoffed at jaehyun and rolled their eyes, "jae look, we got his permissions, we're his boyfriends okay?" Yuta sigh and takes off doyoung's shirt.

"Ngh..?" Doyoung slowly woke up when he feel something big poking his hole, he slowly opened his eyes and saw he's naked with all of his boyfriends surrounding around him.

Doyoung wanted to complain but before he can, jaehyun slams in him. Doyoung let out a loud whine as jaehyun start speeding up, yuta's trying to calm both jaehyun and doyoung down while johnny's playing with doyoung's dick.

Doyoung hold on yuta's shoulder wishing that the older will stop them, but why tf he trust yuta?. Yuta didn't even bother to help and slammed his dick in doyoung's mouth, taking a chance when jaehyun spanked doyoung.

Johnny smile at the sight of doyoung trying to get rid of the other 2 and keep holding his hand as if he's asking for help, welp to be honest he is.

But johnny ignore him and helped jaehyun to stretch his hole more, making doyoung screamed on yuta's cock.

Doyoung grab on the bed sheets as he feel johnny's cock start roaming in him, he let out his tears and punching the bed to held the pain away.

Yuta come in doyoung's mouth and sat down beside the younger, the older then slowly caressing the bunny's thighs which is shaking right now.

"Wanna come baby?" Yuta asked and doyoung nodded, "w-wanna cum! Want your c-cum!" Doyoung whines as he feel his hole full of the other 2 boys cum.

Doyoung almost passed out but johnny carry him to the bathroom, "can i get a round two please?" Johnny pout making doyoung kissed him. "Slowly"

Johnny feels butterfly flying around his stomach and then kissed doyoung again, he pulls out and kissed doyoung's neck, marking him up.

(Wanna see butterfly? 😏😏)

Doyoung groaned and tugged johnny's hair to stops him but it didn't work, it just makes johnny become more wild and move down to his nipples.

Doyoung moaned on johnny's ear making the older more crazy than before, johnny become impatient and slammed himself in doyoung.

'Fuck promise that he will go slow, all man do is a lie.' Doyoung thought while staring at themselves through the mirror. Not even 10 minutes, doyoung then come, feeling exhausted.

Johnny hold his hips and bring him up to ride him, doyoung tried to bounce on johnny but he's still too weak and sensitive.

(They're doing it in the bath tub)

Johnny helps him to bounce making doyoung close his eyes tightly, and digged his fingers on johnny's chest.

While doyoung enjoying the moment, jaehyun enter the bathroom and joined them. Jaehyun told doyoung to open his mouth and doyoung let the other's cock in his mouth, doyoung slowly licked the tip and moaned on it when johnny hit his prostate.

Jaehyun groaned and thrusts in just the same pace as johnny, jaehyun tugged doyoung's hair using his left hand and play with doyoung's nipples one by one using his other hand.

Jaehyun and johnny then come after some minutes fucking the poor bunny under them, they pulled out and doyoung fall on the bathtub but yuta quickly catches him.

Where do yuta came from? Yes idk too.


Sorry i'm just bored :|

I can't sleep these days, can y'all help me with creating a whole conversation here please? :D

It's literally 12.20 am sjdhjsjd

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