yongyang - pretty

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Taeyong and Yangyang birthday special :D

Tbh ik it's soooooooo late for taeyong's birthday tho but anyway-

Happy birthday yongie and yangie



The person called taeyong turned around and wave at him, "hey!" Taeyong smile at jaehyun as the younger put his hand on his shoulders.

"Where's your boyfriend? I thought you both always stick together" jaehyun asked as they both walked to some random store searching for something, "well..He say he's tired so i just left him" jaehyun eyes went widden when he heard it. "So now he's alone?!"

Y'all must be wondering where are they..They're planning to search a bracelet for jaehyun's soon-to-be husband, jaemin.

"No, he's not alone" jaehyun sigh in relief and smile, "good then!" After saying that, he then went silent and continue to search for the perfect bracelet.

"How abt this one?" Taeyong give 1 bracelet to jaehyun as the younger busy admiring it, "yes!! Jaemin love this kind of style! Thank you for helping hyung" taeyong smile making jaehyun giggle.

Just then, taeyong got a message from yangyang. He thought something was happening to him so he quickly open the chat, just then, he saw something really unpredictable.

Yangyang send him a video of himself playing with the toys be brought him, taeyong started to sweat as he really want to play the video.

The older then excuse himself to jaehyun to go to the bathroom, as soon as he arrives at the bathroom, he takes off his pants and play the video.

'T-tae~!! Please get home fas-ahm~! Goddamn- ah fuck!' Taeyong quickly stopped the video and look down, "goddamn" he quickly finish his problem and go out to meet the younger.

"Hey hyung! What take u so long? Are u pooping?" Taeyong slap his shpulder making jaehyun chuckle, "i was just kiding!!" Taeyong rolled his eyes and laugh. "Well it's not funny to me"

"Alright, alright..Where do we go now?" "To be honest..I have some meeting to do so, yeah you should go home and meet jaemin" jaehyun nodded as he understand that taeyong's really busy these days. "See you tomorrow i guess" jaehyun wave at taeyong as he walked away. Taeyong sigh as he made his way to his car, after entering the car, he quickly text yangyang a 'i'm on mt way back home.' And drive.


"He's coming!" Yangyang say in excitement making his friends turn to him, "told u it will work" haechan smile proudly as the other just roll their eyes.

"R.I.P your ass yang" renjun say making yangyang smack his head, 'smack ma ass like a dr-' they suddenly heard that ringtone making them quickly turned to jaemin.

"Wtf?" "I'm getting traumatized.." "TF IS THAT RINGTONE????" yangyang, renjun, and haechan say making jaemin confused. "What?" Well..It's just a song to jaemin, but it's not just a 'song' to the other three.

"Well anyway..I'll be going, jaehyun is almost home" he stand up and walked to the door, "yeah, us too jun! Doyoung hyung's probably waiting for you" renjun nodded and stand up too.

All the three jaemin, renjun, and donghyuck then walked out of the house and wave at yangyang. "Just be ready for later" yangyang rolled his eyes and wave back at them. After making sure the three little dwarfs are already gone, he walk inside of his house and wait for taeyong.

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