House of anagrams

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A/N I'm so sorry I have been back from Australia for a few days and still haven't wrote anything. So I'm going to write this today for you. Sorry if it's awful.

Fabian's POV

I didn't mean it to hurt Mara like that. I honestly didn't. I just wanted Nina back, that's all but I don't think it went that way Whoops.

I went back to my room to get a start on my french assiment when I heard Eddie and Mick talking. It sounded secretive so I stood at the door and listened.

"You and Amber?" Eddie said, shocked.

"Yes, but keep it down, I wasn't meant to tell anyone!" Mick replied, whispering.

"Ok, ok." Eddie said.

OH MY GOD, him and Amber back together but keeping it a secret. I can't believe it!

"Hey" I said, entering the room like I never heard a thing.

"Oh hey Mate," Mick replied.

An hour and a half later. (Still Fabian's POV)

Me, Eddie and Alfie trailing behind walked up stairs to Nina, Amber and Patricia's room, for  he Sibuna meeting.

We knocked on the door and entered.

"Oh hey guys," Nina spoke.

"So where do we start? Do we have any clues?" I asked.

"We only have the note that's it." Nina replied.

"That's handy." Patricia said "we want to start a mystery without any clues."

"Yes." Nina replied.

"Let's see the note." Eddie stated.

Nina handed Eddie the note and Eddie read it over reading every single little detail.

"What's this?" Eddie asked tapping my shoulder to get my attention.

"Lets see it" I replied. I saw 5 small, and I mean very small letter written in black pen.

"It says, pryct" I said, looking confused.

"Hopefully that's some secret code for, this mystery isn't dangerous or life risking and I won't get dirty." Amber said, finishing the end of the braid she'd been doing.

"I highly doubt that Amber." Patricia replied.

"It's not Amber, it says Crypt just all muddled up." Nina spoke.

"So we go to the crypt?" I asked.

"Yep but not tonight tomorrow lunch time when's it's not dark." Nina replied.

"Dinner's ready guys." Joy said as she stuck her head around the door.

"K" we all replied and followed her down the stairs.

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