House of anger

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Patricia's pov

Eddie was so mad at me and I don't know why, was it because I doing include him? It was on his dad? I was hanging around with Alfie and Jerome instead of him? Honestly I had no idea.

The there was a nasty Bitch of a girl Ciara who was getting on my nervous, she physically hated me and to be honest I physically hated her and she physically hated me. I don't want to talk to that bitch or have anything to do with her! But that's kinda hard because I share a room with her.

It was a cold Saturday morning and I was staying inside today with nothing really to do. Normally I'd spend Saturday with Eddie, but I don't think he was exactly talking to me, and that was making me mad at him because I didn't know why he was mad at me. I could spend it with Joy but she's still crying over Jerome cheating with Mara and I really don't wanna get involved. Amber was organizing the dance and was completely stressed and ordering Mick, Nina and Fabian to do everything for her and I didn't wanna end up helping. Alfie and Jerome were in Town. Mara and Willow who were all in the same room as Joy, Joy and Mara not talking and Willow trying to create and awkward conversation and I was most certainly not getting involved. That left Ciara who was sat across from me studying on her bed and I was certainly not communicating with her.

So I lay on my bed, head phones in my ears as I read one of my sick puppies magazines (I really have no idea if they exist in real life or not, lol)

There was a loud knock on the door, I expected it to me Trudy who was collecting laundry but it wasn't.

Ciara stood up slipping her slippers on and walked towards the door, by now I knew it wasn't Trudy she would of just walked in. As Ciara opened the door i peeks to see who it was, the person I least wanted but I really did want to hear from, Eddison Miller.

"Oh hey Eddie" Ciara smiled a typical girlish grin before flicked her hair behind her. That bitch!

Eddie done what I was least expecting him to do, he ignored her. He strolled in and towards my bed earning himself a glare from Ciara who left the room shortly after.

He sat down pulling on earphone from my ear placing it into his, "sick puppies" he sighed, to be honest I don't know why he even had to listen to know. But this was how Eddie played he would start on a subject before getting to the things we needed to talk about.

This wasn't happening today though, I gave him a get to the freaking point stare and he rolled his eyes understanding me.

"Yacker, I'm sorry" was his first words, he wasn't getting on that easy I wanted an explanation!

I stared at him, actually right threw him before nodding for him to continue.

"Yacker, I'm sorry" he repeated before continuing, "I got jealous because you were hanging out with Jerome and Alfie and not me, I was always your prank buddy,"

I knew it, he was Jealous! "And I'm sorry I got jealous and got mad at you for not including me, but if I you forgive me I'm sure we can set a huge prank off on dad sometime soon"

I smiled as he came to the end of his sentence, he admitted he was jealous and I was happy that he admitted it.

"So?" He said, "your not giving me the silent treatment again are you?"

I laughed slightly before doing what I done last time when I was quite, I sat up and kissed him, he pulled away slightly smiling before leaning his lips back to mine. We smiled into the kiss as our tongues touched creating electricity.

We hadn't realized people were around until I heard the click of Amber's camera. Immediately we pulled away and saw Amber and Nina staring at us, at least it wasn't Joy this time.....

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