House of I love you!

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Maras pov

I woke up, no one else in the room on the sunny Sunday morning. I looked around to see if there was an trace of where anyone was, one thing shocked me. All Ciara's stuff is gone, and nothing but a note left on the coverless bed.

I stood up and slipped my slippers on. I walked slowly towards the bed before sitting on it. I picked up the note and read a loud,

Dear all,

I'm sorry I had no chance to say goodbye. My grandmother became seriously ill unexpectedly, it has been confirmed she one has 3 months left to live, this as my only chance to return to Ireland. I'm sorry I had to leave with such urgency.

Mara or Willow, you will probably be the first to read this,please can you pass this to Trudy as I know she will be wondering where I am.

Thank you so much for the loveliness you all showed me, (well you almost got there Patricia.) I know I didn't last long here but maybe I'll be back in the future!

Hope to see you all soon,

Much love,

Ciara xxx

I slipped on my dressing gown and walked down to the kitchen knowing I'd find Trudy cooking a Sunday morning English breakfast.

After handing Trudy the note and explaining what it was about I walked into the living room and out into the hallway. I stepped my right  foot on the stair but then I heard my name, it was called form one of the two people I had been avoiding, Jerome.

"Mara," he called again, "I need you're help"

"With what?" I asked him giving him a snare.

He only talks to me when he wants something, "I want Joy back"

"And I need you to tell her the truth, you kissed me and it was only a mistake." He continued.

"That's not he truth" I looked him in the eye.

"It is, you kissed me when I dropped that book," he said.

"Why do you want her back?" I asked him as we went to sit down in the living room.

"Because I love her more than anyone ever," he admitted.

I thought for a moment, just processing what he said. Jerome. The Jerome Clarke had actually properly fallen in love with Joy. I couldn't ruin this. This was what Amber would call, True love.

"I'll talk to Joy" I said with total honesty.

I returned upstairs and got myself ready before I went to talk to Joy.

"Joy, I'm sorry" I apologized, this was the first civil conversation we had in weeks.

"Me too," she said, I was not expecting this, "I know this was a mistake, I want my best friend and My boyfriend back."

"Well I'll let you in on a secret," I smiled, "I'd go talk to him because I've heard he wants you back too!"

She ran up and hugged me before she ran out of her room, I'd never thought at would be as easy as it was!

Now I was really looking forward to seeing the happy couple together again...

Joys pov

I wanted Jerome back more than anything now, so when Mara said she was sorry. I immediately realized that if I wanted Jerome back I'd need my best friend back too.

After hugging Mara I ran out the room and down to Jerome's room. I knocked on the door calling Jerome's name aloud,

"It's open" he called back.

I didn't say anything I just opened he door and ran straight to him, connecting our lips once again. It took him a minute to realize what was happening but soon I could feel his lip press back down on mine. I still stood on my tip toes trying the match his height but I was far off. Our lips never left one another's for a good few minutes.

We finally broke apart, "I need some joy back in my life" he gave me his classic smirk,

"I love you Joy" he mumbled against my lips

"I love you too" I mumbled back as our lips connected once again.


How was that?

I go through phases of having a shipping Jeroy really badly and I think this is one! My Jeroy obsession is clear!

Anyway please go check out my bio, I kinda updated my page and put a lot more in it. Also changed  my name and that!

On more thing to ask! Can you please go and check out my new book, (it's not fan fiction, sorry) but I really need more reads, it's call Latte, Miss giggle and bumble bee

Much love

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