House of comfort

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A/n so here's the first chapter of sorta re start!  I hope you enjoy, please vote and tell me your thoughts and what you want to see happen.

Patricia's pov

I sat in my room that I shared with Amber,Nina and the newbie Ciara pretending to listen to Amber rant away about Fabian.

"He spilt our secret that he wasn't supposed to know," Amber cried.

"Trixie are you even listening to me!" She yelled which broke me out my thoughts.

"Look Amber, I'm sorry but I'm not good at this stuff, plus it seems like half the house know now so I'm not sure what's the point why don't you talk to Nina? She's good with this stuff" I said honestly as I picked up my earphones, phone and goth magazine.

"That's the point Patricia!" She yelled, "Everyone knows because of Fabian, plus I can't speak to Nina Because she's out with Fabian now!"

A dramatic Amber was never good, "I'm sorry, I'm not good at this" I said as I put my earphones in and could see her lips moving yelling at me.

Then she began walking towards me and pulled my earphones out, thank god I got a text message from Eddie telling me to meet him in his room.

"Look Amber, I told you I'm not good at this, talk to Someone else, I'm going to meet Eddie" I said dumping the magazine and on my bed and getting up leaving the room.

I did feel bad for her, she did get her secret told to everyone but I was definitely not the person to talk to about it.

I walked downstairs and down the corridor slightly to Eddies room but as I got to the door Alfie and Jerome walked out their room, "you wanna help us with an epic prank on sweetie" Jerome asked.

I smirked and poked my head in Eddies room telling him I was
helping Jerome and Alfie with something and I'd see him later.

After that we got to work.

Ambers pov

I came back here this year and didn't expect have of this! I've had my heart broken already, my best friend tell a secret to everyone, another friend try to get my boyfriend and a new mystery and I was planning a dance that i now don't want to go to.

I lay in bed silently crying, this wasn't the Amber Millington I knew.

I whipped my eyes slightly as I heard the door open, Ciara walked in.

"Oh my god Amber are you okay?" She dashed over to me.

I couldn't reply, reality had hit me, I didn't want to be here any more.

"I wanna go home" I cried.

"Oh Amber, I know. I miss home too" she said wrapping me in a hug.

"No," I sobbed, "I want to go home because I don't want to face everything here, my best friend spilled my secret, my previous relationship is over because he went off with another girl and now my new relationship is out to everyone because my best friend spilled a secret he wasn't even meant to know, I don't wanna be here, I wanna be home alone with no one to bother me."

"I'm sorry Amber, you know I'm here right? you can talk to me, you can tell me what's going on" Ciara said, "I know what happened by the way with Fabian and that your with Mick, Mara's going on about it to Joy and Willow down stairs"

"She's told everyone!" I cried.

"Calm down Amber, it's not that bad, you and Mick are great together" Ciara said.

"We were keeping it a secret because I was just out my last relationship, I didn't want it out to everyone because I knew Alfie would be mad and now that it was my best friend that spilled it," I cried.

"Do you want me to get Nina, she's your best she'll help?" Ciara asked.

"Definitely not, I don't want her involved in this, she's with Fabian" I told her,

"Why don't you go talk to Mick about this? You need to know what your gonna do about this relationship" Ciara said.

"You're right, I need to talk to him. Thank you Ciara for being there for me" I said standing up, I headed downstairs to Mick's room.

3rd person pov

Ciara made sure Amber was all the way out the room before picking up her phone, dialing the right number before whispering,

"I done what you asked, I've gained trust"

Dun, dun, dun,
What do you think if Ambers new story line? No one really thought Amber could be like this, Amber never seemed like this, but everyone has emotions.

Also what do you think Patricia is up to with Jerome and Alfie? Is Eddie gonna approve of it?

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