House of what are they doing?

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Joys pov

I moved all my things across the hallway to my new room, I wonder what it will be like sharing with Nina, Amber and Patricia.

I walk in with my suitcase as Ciara pulls her out, "hey new roomie" Amber smiles up at me from her bed.

"Hey Amber" I smile back.

I left the room for a bit to get more things and they were gone.

That's weird they just like disappeared.

Mick's pov

I was determined to find out what they were all doing in my room, they had to be up to something, it just wasn't right.

I went and took a shower and came back to my room, they were all still sitting there well Amber wasn't she was fast asleep on my bed.

"Now tell me what really going on," I said quietly so I wouldn't wake my girl.

"We told you, we were just gossiping," Nina said.

"When does Amber ever fall asleep while gossiping" I laughed pulling a hand through her long blonde hair.

"She was just tired, she hadn't slept much she was shaken up" Patricia said.

I knew they were all lying I just had to pretend that I was believing the, and then I'd get it out of the boys later.

"Now if you're a good boyfriend you would take Amber upstairs so we don't wake her while we gossip" Nina looked at me.

I done as I was almost told and lifted Amber bridle style upstairs and into her bedroom.

"Where is everyone?" Joy asked me and I lay Amber in her bed.

"Gossiping in my room" I told her sarcastically.

"Since when do they gossip" joy laughed.

"I'm curious to know what there up to" I told her.

"Me too, I was only in this room 5 minutes and they had disappeared" joy said.

"Wait who was gossiping?" She air quoted Gossiping.

"Nina, Fabian, Alfie, Patricia, Eddie and Amber kinda fell asleep" I said,

"Sibuna" joy blurted out.

"What?" I asked completely confused.

"It's Anubis backwards, it's there secret club, they solve Egyptian mysteries" she explained.

"That was not what I expected to hear" I sighed.

"Don't say anything, we'll make the, tell us what there doing" she woke loudly, "just keep it a secret, it's our secret"

"What's your secret" Amber asked sharply making us both jump.

"Nothing Ambs, go back to sleep, you look tired" I kissed her head trying to get out of this conversation.

"No, Mick are you cheering on me with her?" She asked loudly.

I didn't answer I just looked at her, "no" I finally spoke. But the tremble in my voice made it look as if I were lying.

"You lying little cockroach!" She yelled at me as Nina and Patria walked threw the door Fabian and Eddie at there heels.

"Reverse" Patricia spoke making Eddie laughed as she backed out the room but Nina pulled her back.

"And for you, how could you! Your one of my friends, you couldn't just use my boyfriend" Amber yelled and before we knew it there was a full on girl fight between them both.

"Amber just let her go" Nina yelled.

"Amber, I didn't cheat" I yelled pulling her off joy.

"Yes you did, you lying cockroach" she turned around and slapped me.

"We didn't do anything, Amber just listen" joy yelled.

"What was your little secret then?" She said,

"We know about sibuna" I admitted......

Mick and Joy know about sibuna, will they become members? They might need to help!

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