House of nightmares

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Patricia's pov

His eyes opened and he stood looking at me with his glowing red eyes,

I screamed for help, begging for someone to rescue me.

The dead guy, who wasn't dead, walked towards me a knife in his hand.

I was in the woods, no one was around me, no matter how loud I screamed no one was hearing me,

Suddenly I woke with a scream and with tear rolling down my face.

Eddie's pov

A scream woke every house member up. "Who was that?" Mick mumbled as he rubbed his eyes.

"One of the girls" Fabian replied, "let's go see"

The three of us stood up and left our room with only t shirts and boxers on, "what girl?" Alfie asked as we met him and Jerome outside there room.

"My bets on Trixie" Jerome said.

We made our way up the stairs, each as tired as one another at 4am.

We entered the corridor and and all the girls were in Patricia, Amber, Nina and Ciara's room.

"Who is it?" Jerome asked Joy as she walked though a glass of water in her hand.

"Patricia" she spoke tiredly.

"You're okay, calm down it was only a nightmare" Nina said as she sat at one side of her bed.

"It's okay, I'm here, you're okay" I said pulling her into my chest and letting her cry.

Yacker never cried, she was never this shaken up, "weasel" she cried.

"Here take a sip, you're okay" Joy said handing her the glass of water.

"Oh Sweetheart you're okay, can I get you anything?" Trudy asked hovering over us all.

"I'm okay, really" she caught her breath.

"What's all this commotion, back to bed all of you" Victor roared.

"Victor, I'm taking care of this," Trudy told him strictly.

Ambers pov

Everyone was so tired and no one wanted to stay up much longer but Patricia was upset and in shock and all these other fancy words everyone was saying but I was too tired to even listen.

"I'm so tired" I moaned into Mick's shoulder as we sat on my bed waiting for things to calm down.

" everyone is babes, but we have to be here for Trixie" he told me kissing my head and running his hand threw my tangled blonde hair.

"It's my room, I don't have a choice" I yawned.

Everyone spread all over our room apart from Eddie, Joy and Nina who were at her side.

"Trudy, can we go back to bed?" Alfie moaned.

"Yes, Joy, Eddie you can stay if you'd like" Trudy said.

"Night babes" Mick said as stood up to leave.

"Night" I whispered back as I lay down in my bed.

Me, Nina and Ciara turned our lights out but Patricia's was on and she was talking to Eddie and Joy.

Nina's pov

I knew someone was going to have A nightmare about it, THERE WAS A FLIPPING DEAD BODY! But I never knew it was going to be this bad. I'd never seen Patricia this shaken up, not even when she had the nightmares about Rufus.

I looked over to her, still crying into Eddie's chest as Joy gave her sips of water. If it was under any other circumstance Amber would be taking pictures for her Peddie scrapbook but Amber was already fast asleep.

Ciara's pov

That Bitch woke the whole house with her stupid nightmare, I knew what it was about, it was about him, I saw him too. He was the one in Frobisher's tomb, and I knew just who he was .....

So I'm writing a lot more but I'm not getting the reads😕 it's kinda upsetting because i am putting a lot of work into this, but I'm trying hard to get more readers so please help me😊

Still to come!

*Alfie, Jerome and Patricia's prank*

*Peddie trouble*

*research on the mystery dead man*

*Jara/Jeroy trouble*

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