House of her

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Ambers pov

I was now on Ciara duty as we were calling it. Watching her every move wasn't easy and I was scared she would go meet Kohlyn while I was on duty.

I walking into the living room with a magazine in my hand, it was deadly silenced. Joy on one couch phone in her hand, Jerome one sofa reading a joke book, (never knew he could read to be honest) and Mick on the other couch.

"Patricia hurry up" Joy shouted realizing the silence was awkward.

After starring at them for about five minutes I sat down next to Mick who was watching something on the tv, a soccer match by the looks of it.

"Patricia" joy called.

No answer, with that she stood up leaving the room.

"Are yous still not talking mate?" Mick looked at Jerome.

Jerome lifted his head turning it slightly so he could see us from his lying position on the sofa, "no,"

"Why don't you just apologize?" I suggested.

"Mara kissed me, there's nothing for me to apologize about" Jerome stated.

"Jerome, Jerome, Jerome" I started with that girl talk ton to my voice.

"Oh no" Mick mumbled under his breath earning a slap on the head from me.

Then I proceeded to continue, "it doesn't matter if you think it's your fault or not, the girl will. And in this case Joy does all she wants is an apology and you'll get her back" 

"I don't know how to" he responded now fully putting his book down.

"Do something romantic, take her on a nice date or something." I suggested.

"I'll think about it" we're his last words before he stuffed his head into a book.

After about ten minutes something caught my eyes,  Ciara leaving the house.

I jumped to my feet, throwing the magazine in Mick's face. I slipped on my heals and followed her.

I could hear footsteps behind me as I trailed threw the forest, who was there?

"Amber" I heard a familiar voice.

I jumped half way into mid air before I turned around and saw familiar blonde hair.

"Ambs where are you going? Why are you following Ciara?" Mick asked me.

"She's meeting Kohlyn" I said without thinking who I was speaking to.

"What?" He looked at me confused.

"I'll fill you in later, now shut up and help me" I whisper yelled.

We hid behind a tree and saw the back of the person who Ciara was talking to, Kohlyn.

"She heard the conversation" Ciara said, "I'm sure of it"

"She doesn't know what we need her for, it's all fine, she doesn't know who I am" I heard the voice say, it was a weird voice, no accent to it. Nothing showing her identity.

The figure wore all black with a hood up, this was definitely her.

"She knows who you are" Ciara almost yelled at her.

"What?" Who we suspected to be Kohlyn screamed back.

"Koko, you're not understanding. She heard the conversation she knows about you." Ciara informed her.

"Oh Layla, take the accent off, I know your identity" Kohlyn then said that confused me.

"She doesn't though" Ciara/Layla/who ever she is said in her still Irish accent.

I knew who the 'she' was. I know it was Patricia.

I texted Nina as quick as possible but then I heard a phone beep behind me.

It was Nina's phone,

That's when Ciara and Kohlyn turned around. We saw her face for the first time, it was the girl I saw the night of the party, Senkara, but in human form.

My brain wasn't registering all this information.

Once they threw the phone thing behind them they walked off. I turned around along with Mick to see Fabian, Nina, Alfie and a concerned looking Eddie.

"Why are you here?" Me and Nina asked simultaneously......

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