House Of Returns

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As I opened the doors to the Anubis House I was filled up with emotions, Fear, happiness, excitement. Everything ran through my body all at once, so much so I was almost crying. 

I couldn't wait to see everyone again, it felt like it had been so long even if it was only a year. I went to New York while I was back in America and I bumped into Amber, like I mean literally. I still owe her a new shirt with the coffee I spilt down it.  After we kept in touch.  She told me all about how she moved to fashion school which she turned out to hate. After many hours of talking we both agreed that going back to Anubis house would be better for us both so that's what we did. 

I opened the into the living area and everyone looked confused. 

"Nina?" Fabian questioned and I nodded, he slowly stood up and went to hug me. I was so glad, he hadn't forgotten about me and moved on. That was what I was most scared of. 

"Nina your back!" Patricia said following Fabian and came to hug me. 

After many hugs and hello's I took a seat next to Amber and began talking abut my time in America. 

As I was having a conversation with Joy, a strange gesture caught my mind, Fabian's arm around Mara. No, this couldn't be. 

My thoughts were broken as Trudy appeared. 

"Hello, my lovelies!" She announced standing in front of us all. "So this year because there is so many of you there have been some room changes. Nina, Amber and Patricia, you will be in one room. Mara, Joy and Willow you'll be in the other room upstairs. Then downstairs we'll have, Jerome and Alfie in one room and in the other room we'll have Fabian, Eddie and Mick, who's still to come. His plane from Australia has been delayed he should be here soon."

"Mick?" Amber questioned frowning her perfectly drawn on eyebrows. 

"I thought he was at sports academy?"Fabian added still sitting far too close to Mara for my liking. 

"I don't know anything, I have just been told he's coming. He'll be here soon, I'm sure he'll tell you all why he's back." Trudy said.

 "There is some bad news though." Trudy continued "KT isn't returning,  she's staying in America to go to some other school that she received a scholarship for."

So Kt, she was the one Amber told me about? The one who took my place as the American girl? 


It felt good to be back for another year a creepy towards. I did miss everyone well apart from Eddie.  I spent my entire summer with him and this yeah we managed not to break up. It took us a while but we finally did admit we were in love. 

I headed up to my new room, that I now shared with Nina and Amber. This could either be fun or a disaster. Amber and I have never shared purely just because we are polar opposites. She's way too girly for me. 

  I started to unpack my bags wondering if this year there would be a mystery with Sibuna but my train of thought was interrupted by Amber running into the room.

"Patricia, there's a crisis," She said almost in tears. 

"What? your eyeliner's not on point"  I chuckled. 

"No, I left my favourite pair of Louboutin's at home" I shook my head at her girliness. when would this girl enter the real world? 

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