House of Patricia

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Amber tells Jerome to apologize to Joy

Mick and Amber follow Ciara

Ciara is not Irish and her real name is Layla

They meet Nina, Fabian, Eddie, Alfie in the woods.

Kohlyn and Layla(Ciara) have Patricia for a reason which is unknown still.


Joy knocked on Eddies room door, "where's Patricia?"

"I have no idea, I though she was with you" Eddie said.

"And I thought she was with you" joy replied.

After looking everywhere, Eddie called a sibuna meeting knowing if people disappear in Anubis it's never good.

After about ten minutes later Nina and and Eddie made a decision to tell Trudy and Victor and everyone else that she had just went home to visit Piper.

Eddie and the rest of the gang then went then went looking outside for her.

End of flashback***

"So that's why we're here" Nina explained.

"Kohlyn and Ciara or Layla or what ever her name is have her" Amber said.

"We have to follow them and get her" Alfie said.

"We've already lost them" Fabian stated the obvious.

But as he said that a car when flying on the country side rocky road. All of them realising who it was. It was Kohlyn and Layla.

But without a breath another car came sliding down the road as fast as Kohlyn and Layla.

The cars collided, resulting in a Big Bang and lots of smoke.

Nina's pov

Everything happened so fast, but we knew Patricia was in that car, was she Okay?

Everyone panicked as the struggling passenger fought for there way out.

We, sibuna minus Patricia plus Mick, froze as we watched the scene. But knowing that Patricia was in there, Eddie made it towards the burning cars before any of. He immediately found the trunk, which we presumed Patricia was in.

"It's locked" he shouted back to us as we stood frozen.

Within minutes we were all helping, Mick and Eddie broke the glass with a strong force and it revealed a struggling to breath Patricia.

"Yacker," Eddie shouted to her, "Yacker you're okay, we're gonna get you out"

Eddie and Mick finally got her out the car, as we watched Layla and Kohlyn finally escape.

"What are you little brats doing here?" Layla(Ciara) asked.

"Here to rescue Patricia" Alfie blurred out.

"We're not little, we're the same age." Amber than said dumbly.

"I knew where my father kept the elixir of life," she replied.

"Who's you father?" Alfie asked.

"You's know him very well, goes by the name Rene Zeldman" Layla spoke loudly.

"Get her and go, just watch your back," was Kohlyn's final words before her and Layla disappeared threw the forest.

We crowed round Patricia as she sat on Eddies lap at the side of the forest.

"Are you okay?" I asked her as she finally caught her breath.

"Yeah." She muttered still panting.

"Let's get you back to the house" Eddie said.

She stood up wobbly on her feet attempting to walk, but she was weak and in pain.

"Want a hand?" Eddie asked her.

"I'm fine" she said stubbornly as she tripped slightly.

Without anything else being spoken, Eddie sweeper her into his arms bridal style and carried her.

By the time we got home, we head thought of a cover story to tell Trudy.

"She just had an accident, trapped in Mr Sweets cars boot when we went for a spin" we explained.

"Oh sweetie," she babied over her. "Eddie sit her down and I'll make sure she's alright"

But she was getting weaker, she was very unsteady and finding it hard to breath.

"Let's just take you to the hospital to get you checked over,." Trudy said as every house mate that was in, except 'Ciara' gathered round.

I was worrying about Patricia, she was not well at all but I was also worrying about what Kohlyn and Layla wanted her for.

Another chapter!

I really want you thoughts and opinions on theses questions!

Do you think Patricia is okay?

Do you think Mick should join sibuna?

What couples do you want to see more of?

Why do Kohlyn and Layla need Patricia and what are they after?

Remember to vote, comment and share!

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