House of newbie

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A/n hey thanks for the over 900 reads I hope you are all enjoying this story. So here's the next chapter.

Ciara's pov

"Hello you must be Cyra, I'm Trudy the house mother, please come in" Trudy said.

"It's Ciara." I corrected her, my Irish acent standing out.

"Oh, I'm sorry sweetie, please come this way I'll show you around you can put your bags here." Trudy told me.

She showed me all around the house, it was very nice and old. I was a fan of vintage houses and things.

I was told I would be sharing with 3 other girls, their names Patricia, Nina and Amber.

Trudy told me to go unpack and the others should be here soon.

I just finished unpacking as the room door swung open and in came 3 teenage girls around my age.

"And you are?" The goth looking one questioned.

"I'm Ciara, Ciara Baxter, you must be my roommates Nina, Patricia and Amber."

"Nice to meet you Ciara, I'm Amber, this is Nina and the moody one over there is Patrica, she doesn't like Newbies." Amber said.

A/N I'm sorry it's so short

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