House of pranks

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So I've  changed of the chapter names to house of... To make it more Anubis style, hope you enjoy this chapter!

Patricia's pov

"Amber turn your alarm off" I yelled as it woke the whole room up.

She sleepily sat up and turned it off, "I'm sorry Trixie, if I had you right you had everyone up at 4am" she moaned as she stood up sliding her feet into her bunny slippers.

I gave her my normal Patricia growl as I recalled my nightmare, and screaming, and waking the whole house up.

Within half an hour I was ready for school and I walked downstairs and everyone stared at me, "are you okay Patricia?" Joy asked.

"I'm fine" I replied as I took a seat in between her and Eddie.

I was talking slightly to Eddie when I heard Ciara come in talking to Willow, "I'm so tired after Patricia's stunt last night" she yawned.

"Poor Patricia though" Willow said.

"Not poor Patricia, she woke everyone up just for attention, she probably never had a nightmare" she attempted to whisper, but I heard her and I was mad.

"What did you say" I roared and that's when I knew my anger had got the better of me.

"Nothing" she looked at me strangely.

"Don't lie, I heard you" I yelled and looked for the nearest thing to poor over her.

"Yacker, sit down" Eddie yelled at me from behind pulling my arms back to sit me down, but there was no way she was getting away with this.

"Shut up Weasel face" I yelled at him before picking up the milk jug.

"Take cover" Alfie yelled as he hit under his blazer.

The next thing I do is pour the entire jug of milk over Ciara and before I can get the Orange juice over her I was being carried out by Eddie.

"Yacker, that's twice you've done that to her" he yelled at me.

"And she deserved it a lot more" I yelled at him.

Eddies pov

Wow Patricia was mad, like crazy mad at Ciara. I didn't even hear her say anything about Patricia.

As she poured the milk on Ciara, Joy told me to take her out and calm her down, and she was right, if I didn't everyone would be drowned in what ever liquid she poured.

I took her into the hall only to be yelled at by her.

"Patricia sweetie, stay home today and rest, you didn't get much sleep last night." Trudy said as she picked up her school bag.

"No" she yelled, "I'm going"

"There's no need, honestly" Trudy said,

"I have to collect homework" she yelled, this was so unlike Patricia, she never wanted to go to school, or never cared about homework, there had to be a reason behind this.

Trudy looked at me as to say, what's wrong with her, and I shock my head and raced after her.

Patricia's pov

"We need you're help" Jerome said as he tapped my shoulder.

This was why I was here, I couldn't miss this, this would cheer me up after what that foul Bitch did earlier.

"Where did you put them?" I asked dumping my bag in my locker as I asked about the sheep.

"Alfie walking them over here on a leash" he giggled slightly.

I was just picturing the sight of Alfie waking three sheep over on a leash as he came running in with only two sheep on a lead and the other running wild in front of him.

"Number 4, come back" he yelled as the leash from the other two sheep were thrown to Jerome and I.

"Just let him go," Jerome said as he unclipped the others.

"I've got the stuff" he yelled to Alfie.

We let the sheep run loose as Mr sweet excited his office without noticing we done it.

"Sheep" he yelled As he chased after them.

We rushed into his office and filled the place with sheep guts and its heart, good thing 7th grade were dissecting a sheep the other day.

We stood outside laughing along with everyone else.

"Where's number 3" Mr sweet yelled.

And we laughed as he ushered the other here sheep along, "stay in here while I find the other"

He opened his office door to find the place covered in sheep guts.

"Clarke, Lewis, Williamson" he yelled, immediately knowing it was us and we weren't gonna lie because the whole school saw us doing it, but it was worth it, just to see the look on his grumpy old face.

"1 month of Detention, Thursday's and Friday's after last period in Mrs Andrews room (let's just pretend she's teaching the now)"

We weren't surprised by the punishment, we were actual grateful it was only Thursday and Friday detention.

I opened my locker taking my books for next period out as the bell went,

"Hey weasel" I smirked as I caught up with hi to walk to next period with.

"What was that about Yacker?" He said harshly.

"It was a prank," I told him confused on why he was so harsh, normally he would be praising me for my pranks.

He shrugged his shoulders and walked away from me like I was just an annoying child...

Peddie trouble has started, but why is he so mad at her for a prank? Is there a real reason?

Patricia's building a hatred against Ciara too, this isn't going well for her.

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