House of secrets slipping

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Hi guys, I'm going to try to update this story more regularly cause I understand some of you really enjoy this story. I also think I'm losing reads because im not posting regularly enough. Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter!! Tasha xxx

Ciara's POV

"Dinner's ready" a short girl with brown hair and tanned skin stuck her head round our bedroom door.

"Ok." I replied before the others did.

"sorry, I don't seem to know you, are you Irish?" The girl asked me.

"Yes I am, I'm Ciara the new girl." I replied.

"I'm Joy!" joy said.

We all walked down the stairs to the dining area. I sat down in the first seat empty I saw. It was next to a dirty blonde haired boy who I think was American. Or at least that's what his accent sounded like.

"And you are? He asked.

"I'm Ciara, I'm new here. You?" I asked

"I'm Eddie." He said just as I felt a tap on my back.

"Excuse me Ciara, but I afraid that's my seat and he's also my boyfriend so I'd stay away if I were you." Patricia made a scene, so that everyone looked at us.

"Wow Yacker, Ciara was just introducing herself not need to worry." Eddie said.

"I also said that was my seat!" Patricia's voice got angrier by the minute.

"No one has alocated seats here Patricia," a brown haired nerdy looking boy cutter in.

"it's fine honestly, here Patricia have your seat." I spoke standing up from the chair.

Patricia lifted the jug of Orange juice from the table And everyone took cover.

"Yacker put the juice down." Eddie tried grabbing the jug from her hand but failed.

the next thing I knew was I was covered in Orange juice.

Amber pasted me a napkin and I wiped it from my face.

"Opps, I'm so sorry!" Patricia joked.

"She does that." Joy said.

"Guys, this is Ciara she's new here. I want you all to be nice to here." Trudy walked in with a bowl full of spaghetti and meatballs.

"Oh goodness, what happened here!" Trudy exclaimed.

"I accidently spilt a jug of Orange juice on Ciara." Patricia said.

"oh sweetie, here let me get you some cloth." Trudy said.

Skip dinner

By the time dinner was over I think I was nearly dry. Everyone chatted away to me during dinner except Patricia,I'm don't know what her problem is with me. I was going to go and take a shower try and get all this orange juice of of me now.

Mara's pov

i was walking down the stairs, I was heading to Mick's room I was going to talk with him and see about relationship things and all between us.

I got to his room and knocked the door. Fabian answered.

"is Mick in?" I questioned.

"No sorry, he went out for a run. do you want me to tell him something for you when he gets back?" Fabian asked

"No It's fine Fabian, I was just going to see if he wanted to start the whole us thing back again. I'll ask Him later."

"I thought Mick was with Amber?"

"Is he? I haven't heard anything."

"Fabian, where did you hear that?" Amber asked from the top of the stairs obviously hearing what we are saying.

"I over heard Mick telling Eddie." fabian confessed. "He doesn't even know i know."

"Mick said he wouldnt tell anyone until, I was ready To make the Announcement." Amber said angrily "I'm going to kill that Campbell!"

"Oh what have I done this time." Mick spoke walking in the door.

"Just told like tones of people that we were dating." Amber replied.

"I didn't I only told one person, by mistake and that was Eddie." Mick said confused.

"And I overhear." Fabian cut in.

"so you told Mara." Amber said getting angry.

" i don't know, maybe, yes?" Fabian said.m

Amber thudded down the stairs and went over to Fabian attempting to hit him But Mick pulled her back.

"i think we shall leave this here for now and me and you can tell everyone tomorrow the news, for now." Mick said letting go of a scrambling Amber.

I made my way up to my room, upset. I was devastated that Mick was now dating Amber, he said he'd never forget me. but I suppose love hurts.

There we go, there's chapter 10 hope you enjoyed it. Please comment your thoughts below. 👇👇👇👇👇👇

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