House of A New Mystery

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Patrica, Amber and I walked into our room to start our French assignment. When I noticed a small grey key and a neatly written note, lying on my pale blue with flowers bed throw. I walked over to my bed and picked it up carefully. 

"What's this, guys?" I asked in curiosity

"I don't know," Patricia shrugged.

"Read the note," Amber said in excitement

"Dear Nina," I read aloud "Take this key and use it wisely, you will need it Nina to defeat them."


"SFS, Sarah Frobisher Smyth" Amber said all excited. 

"But she's dead." Patricia butted in. 

"But this is Sarah, Patricia" I sighed, "Can you go get Fabian, Alfie and Eddie. 

Patricia came back in a few minutes later with Fabian, Eddie and Alfie. They told me all about what happened last year and Eddie leading Sibuna, even though Amber had already told me all she knew. I was kind of upset that Eddie took my spot and they let Kt join and everything but this was all history.

"So when I came back in from school today I found this on my bed," I told them showing them the rusty key. "It's from Sarah."

"A dead, old lady is writing you letters?" Eddie laughed

"Eddie, this is serious stuff. When Sarah tells you stuff you believe it." I stated but he and Patricia just sat there laughing.

"Here Nina let's see the note," Fabian said taking this a lot more serious then Eddie and Patricia. 

I handed Fabian the note and he read it aloud so everyone could here.

"I think what Sarah's trying to tell us, is that there's a mystery that we need to discover and unlock where it leads to," Fabian said still examining the neatly written note. 

"I agree," Amber said but I could tell she really had no clue and was more occupied by her hairbrush she had in her hand. 

"Hate to bother your secret investigation but we all have French assignments that we have to do by tomorrow." Alfie butted in. 

"Alfie has a point, I can't fail French again," Amber added.

"Right okay then, two hours in the kitchen," I said.

"Okay then," everyone replied.

"Hey Nina, can I talk to you out here for a minute?" Fabian asked pulling be back gently by the hand. 

"Yeah sure," I replied, walking out the room behind Fabian.

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