House of sibuna again

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Nina's pov

With everything going on, Sibuna had been pushed behind us. But we needed to open the key hole and what it unlocked.

I literally had found Fabian and Eddie to help me, Fabian constantly rambling on about how he should react around Amber. "If you shut up, you're doing well" Eddie came to the end of his patience.

"I'll find Amber, you two go get Alfie and Patricia" I said.

I looked everywhere on the top floor looking for Amber, then I realized she would be with Mick. I went downstairs and saw the others all sitting in the common room waiting for me to find Amber.

I knocked on the room door hoping she was in there, "is Amber in there?" I asked and the door opened to reveal a teary eyed Amber and Mick behind her on his bed.

"We need your help" I said,

"With what?" She said in her dumb Amber voice,

"With the thing from the other night, in the..." I chose my wording carefully.

"Oh yeah" she sighed as her eyes dulled immediately knowing Fabian would be there.

"You can keep your distance, stay with me. Come on cheer up we need Amber" I said.

She nodded knowing she had to come, she turned and walked over to Mick. "Everything okay babe?" He asked.

"Yeah, do you mind if I go with Nina for a bit, girl stuff" she rolled her eyes, "can't decide what pair of shoes to wear" I laughed as the Amber I knew came back.

"Of course, go have fun" he laughed.

"Bye boo" she pecked his lips.

I couldn't make out if they were better than her and Alfie, but she seemed Happy and I was happy for her.

She walked out with me and slipped her heals on at the door.

As we all walked out, there was so much tension between her and Fabian and it was so noticeable.

"Can't you two just be normal, and not cause all this tension" Patricia sighed.

I knew this wasn't going to be good, "Patricia" I stared at her as I stood on a stick that snapped.

"I'm just saying what everybody's thinking" she sighed,

This maybe wasn't a good idea, I didn't know who was going to snap next. I was really just hoping it was a stick on the ground.

"I said I'm sorry," Fabian yelled,  this was not the argument we needed in the middle of the woods.

"And you told Mara about me and Mick and she went and told he whole house" Amber yelled.

"Wait you and Mick?" Alfie gasped at Amber

"Next time just keep thinking Yacker" Eddie smirked at Patricia as a proper argument kicked off.

"You must be the only one who doesn't know" Amber said, "you dumped me for Willow, I needed someone else and Mick was there for me"

"I'm happy for you" Alfie sighed as he walked a few paces behind with Patricia and Eddie.

"And I'm happy for you" Amber said with a grudge

"But you shouldn't of told everyone," she said turning back to Fabian.

But suddenly there was a loud bang in the background.

"Shut up both of you" I yelled.

"What was that?" Eddie asked.

"I don't know" I said.

Suddenly we saw a figure in a black hoodie run threw the woods obviously on the phone, "it blew up, the plan was trapped" we made out what the voice was saying, it was quite as it was just whispers but it was also muffled by a strong accent.

We raced threw the forest towards the crypt only to see it lying collapsed as a pile of bricks,

We looked threw the bricks for a while before we heard Amber squeal. "There's a hand" she gasped.

We all took a step back but Patricia being Patricia just lifted up the bricks that were on top of it, but jumped back as she saw something.

"It's a dead body" she gasped......

What's your views for what's going to happen next? Also what do you want to see soon, something more mature for the book or just something similar to the episodes.

Till next time! ~ Tasha

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