House of explaination

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Ambers pov

We all sat around the room, waiting for there explanation. I was kinda mad at them but then I felt back of accusing him of cheering on me and getting into a fight with joy for no real reason.

"Mick asked me what did I know about your 'gossiping' and we figured out that it was sibuna and I told him about sibuna" joy explained. "I'm sorry, I know I should of just kept my mouth shut but then I was kinda upset that after I moved in here you all just disappeared. I'm so sorry" she finished.

"It's okay" Patricia said, "we can trust you right?" She then looked up at Mick.

"Of course" he smiled, I looked over at him. He was sat next to Patricia and Eddie. I hope he could forgive me for just slapping him and accusing him of cheating. I felt really bad for what I done, I didn't really mean it.

"I'm sorry as well guys" I spoke up, "I shouldn't of said that, or got into a fight with you"

"It's okay," joy said, "it's understandable.

Mick just smiled up at me, I was scared I case he didn't take me back, it was all my fault as well.

"Dinners ready" a joyful Willow peaked her head around the door and said.

We stood up one my one exiting the room.

"Mick wait" I spoke without realizing.

"Do you forgive me?" I asked as we stood in the middle of the room.

"Amber you just accused me of cheering and slapped me. Give me a minute please" the words send tears into my eyes, I didn't mean it.

"Mick, honestly I didn't mean it like that, I was only thinking of the worst and that's what I believed" I cried.

I sat down on my bed and held my head in my hands, I didn't want this to happen.

"Oh Ambs" he said his tone of his voice changed, "don't cry, come here" he said holding his arms out for me.

"I should of just told you, I'm sorry" he whispered into my hair.

"And I'm sorry for accusing you of cheating" i mumbled into his chest.

"I'd never cheat on you, only because there is no one better to cheat on you with" he said, his voice was soft and muffled by my hair but I could still make out what he was saying.

"I love you Mick" I spoke into his chest

"I love you too Ambs" he replied.

Our lips met, and we kissed. A passionate long kiss, the ones I loved.

"Love birds, everyone's waiting" Jerome sad popping his head inside the room.

We laughed slightly before joining hands and going to get dinner.

Another chapter!

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